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2012 | 4 | 2 | 104-109

Article title

The Efficiency of Players of Action-Effective Football Teams in One against One Situations


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Background: The aim of this study was to identify and compare the efficiency of action-effective football players in one against one situations (1×1).Material/Methods: The game of winning teams' players was observed in four matches and two semi-final meetings of the European Championships tournament in 2004 and 2008. Visual recording was monitored using a freeze-frame function and data about the players' game were recorded on observation sheet by Szwarc. The activity, effectiveness and reliability of individual offensive and defensive actions were estimated.Results: It was found that on average players of the best teams in Europe participated in 216 1×1 battles (from 184 to 273) in one game, with an average reliability of 52%.Conclusions: Furthermore, it was proved that players-champions engaged equally often and with the same effectiveness in both individual defensive measures and offensive actions.









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1 - 1 - 2012
2 - 7 - 2012


  • Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Poland
  • Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Poland
  • Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Poland


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