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Założenia: U osób w podeszłym wieku przyspieszeniu zmian inwolucyjnych w obrębie stóp sprzyja niedostateczna ilość ruchu wynikająca z braku zainteresowania aktywnością ruchową, częstych dolegliwości bólowych, spadku kondycji i wydolności fizycznej organizmu oraz często wyizolowania ze świata zewnętrznego z powodu depresji.Cel: Ocena ukształtowania stóp kobiet po 60 roku życia w zależności od wzrostu i masy ciała oraz zbadanie zależności pomiędzy długością, masą ciała i wskaźnikiem BMI a parametrami opisującymi ukształtowanie stóp.Materiał i Metoda: Badaniami objęto 130 kobiet w wieku 60-90 lat. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 130 zdrowych kobiet w wieku 20-25. Pomiary stóp wykonano z pomocą urządzenia CQ-ST firmy CQ Elektronik System. Analizowano długość i szerokość stóp, wskaźnik Wejsfloga, kąt Clarka oraz kąty Alfa, Beta, Gamma.Wyniki: Analiza statystyczna wykazała w przypadku większości badanych parametrów istotne różnice w ukształtowaniu stóp kobiet po 60 roku życia w porównaniu do kobiet w wieku 20-25 lat. U kobiet w wieku 20-25 wykazano zależności pomiędzy długością i masą ciała a długością i szerokością stóp oraz pomiędzy wskaźnikiem BMI a szerokością stóp. Zależności takich nie odnotowano w grupie starszych kobiet.Wnioski: Ukształtowanie stóp kobiet po 60-tym roku życia różni się istotnie od ukształtowania stóp młodych kobiet. Konieczne jest zbadanie, które parametry opisujące ukształtowanie stóp, i w jaki sposób, powinny być uwzględniane przy projektowaniu obuwia i planowaniu ćwiczeń ruchowych.
Background: At an elderly age the foot is prone to accelerated involutional changes as a result of an insufficient amount of activity. The latter is a result of the lack of interest, frequent pain, a decline in physiological condition and capacity, as well as isolation from the outside world due to depression.Objective: To assess changes in the shape of the foot in women over sixty and to examine the relation between length, body weight and the BMI index and parameters describing foot shape.Material and methods: The study included 130 women between sixty and ninety. The control group consisted of 130 healthy subjects, aged from twenty to twenty five. Foot measurements were obtained using the computer method of CQ-ST bases of the CQ Elektronik System company. The analysis depended on the following parameters: the length and the width of the foot, Wejsflog’s index, Clarke’s angle and Alpha, Beta and Gamma angles.Results: Statistical results showed a great deal of differences in the foot shape of women over sixty, compared to the women in the control group for the majority of the tested parameters. The exception was the Beta and Gamma angle in the right foot. Correlations were shown in the control group between the length and the body weight and between the BMI index and the width of the feet. Such correlations were not noted in the group of older womenConclusions: The shape of women’s feet after 60 significantly differs from the foot shape of young women. It follows to examine which of the described parameters and in what way they should be taken into account during shoe design for the elderly and in the preparation of treatment and a prevention exercise programme.
Rehabilitacja kardiologiczna w dużym stopniu umożliwia pacjentom powrót do sprawności psychofizycznej spełniając w ten sposób jeden z jej głównych celów. Celem pracy jest ocena wpływu ambulatoryjnej, systematycznie prowadzonej rehabilitacji kardiologicznej na wartości ciśnienia tętniczego u pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca. Badaniem objęto 73 pacjentów (49 mężczyzn i 24 kobiety) po zawale mięśnia sercowego, operacjach kardiochirurgicznych, koronaroplastyce oraz po ostrym incydencie wieńcowym wraz z innymi współtowarzyszącymi schorzeniami. Średnia wieku pacjentów wynosiła 61,63 roku. U pacjentów tych oceniano średnie wartości ciśnienia tętniczego skurczowego i rozkurczowego oraz średnie ciśnienie tętnicze. Program rehabilitacji zawierał 24 sześćdziesięciominutowe sesje po 2-3 razy w tygodniu, obejmujące 30 minut ćwiczeń ogólnokondycyjnych oraz 30 minut jazdy na cykloergometrze rowerowym (trening interwałowy) z submaksymalnym obciążeniem dostosowanym indywidualnie do każdego pacjenta na podstawie wyników próby wysiłkowej, pod stałą kontrolą EKG pracy serca. Rehabilitacja trwała około 3 miesięcy. Pacjenci ćwiczyli w 6-osobowych grupach. Ambulatoryjna rehabilitacja kardiologiczna pozytywnie wpływa na wartości ciśnienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego u pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca. Trzymiesięczny cykl rehabilitacji kardiologicznej powoduje istotną redukcję skurczowego i średniego ciśnienia tętniczego w spoczynku, zarówno u kobiet, jak i u mężczyzn niezależnie, od wieku. Długoterminowy trening kardiologiczny istotnie obniża ciśnienie rozkurczowe i średnie ciśnienie tętnicze pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca i nadciśnieniem w przeciwieństwie do grupy pacjentów normotensyjnych.
Cardiac rehabilitation greatly contributes to regaining psycho-physical fitness by patients which is one of its main aims. The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of clinic cardiac rehabilitation on blood pressure in patients with ischemic heart disease. 73 patients (49 men and 24 women) after myocardial infarction, cardiac operations, coronary angioplasty or serious heart disorders together with other concomitant diseases were examined. The average age was 61.63 years. The average systolic and diastolic blood pressure in those patients and the average blood pressure was measured. The rehabilitation programme consisted of 24 one-hour sessions carried out 2-3 times a week. Those sessions included 30 minutes of general keep-fit exercises and 30 minutes of cycloergometer exercise (intervallic training) with the submaximum load individually adjusted to each patient on the basis of the exercise test results. All the time the heart work was controlled by means of an electrocardiograph. The rehabilitation lasted about 3 months. The patients did the exercises in groups of six. The research results show that regular cardiac rehabilitation has a beneficial influence on the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with ischemic heart disease. The three-months-long cardiac rehabilitation resulted in significant reduction of the systolic blood pressure and the mean arterial pressure in both female and male patients regardless of age. A long-term cardiac training significantly reduces the diastolic blood pressure and the mean arterial pressure in patients with ischemic heart disease and hypertension as opposed to the group of normotensive patients.
Introduction Morphological asymmetry is understood as a disruption of symmetry of external body shapes on both sides of the median plane. Slight deviations in body posture do not influence significantly on the proper body functioning, and a significant deviations may pose a threat to the proper functioning of the body. Aim of this study was to determine whether the asymmetry of scapulas affects the values of selected parameters of movement of the feet pressure center. Material and methods: 180 children (between the age of 7 and 10 years) participated in the study. The study group has been chosen based on photogrammetric study, which consisted of children with asymmetric scapulas sizes 10-20 mm (group I: 30 children). In the comparison group (group II) there was 30 randomly selected children qualified, without asymmetric scapula. Standing balance was assessed in the trial with eyes open, by using stabilometric platform. Six different motion parameters of center of pressure (COP) have been evaluated. Results: The analysis of the results of the study showed no statistically significant correlation between asymmetry of scapula and balance worsening. Conclusions: Among children with a small asymmetry of scapula, the behavior of the movement of center of pressure do not differ significantly from the analogous parameters among children showing no asymmetry. Gender of children doesn’t affect the behavior of the movement of center of pressure.
Introduction: Elongation exercises are designed to reduce existing pathological or increased physiological curvatures of the spine. The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes occurring in the parameters describing the anterior-posterior spinal curvatures during the performance of symmetric elongation exercises. Material and methods: The study included 150 children aged 7-10 years: 82 girls and 68 boys. It was performed in June 2012, following prior parental and the subjects’ consent. The study design was approved by the Bioethical Committee of the Medical Faculty of Rzeszow University (number 05/07/2012). In each subject, an examination of the body posture was performed twice - first in a relaxed position and second during an elongation exercise. The Wilcoxon pair sequence test was used for statistical analysis. Results: The lumbosacral angle was significantly higher during the performance of an elongation exercise (p < 0.001), and so was the thoracolumbar angle (p < 0.001). The angle of the upper thoracic spine (p < 0.01) was significantly reduced. In the case of parameters describing thoracic kyphosis, a significant increase was observed both for the thoracic kyphosis angle (p < 0.01) and the depth of this part of the spine. As for the parameters describing lumbar lordosis, both the lordosis angle and its depth were significantly reduced (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001). Conclusions: 1. Elongation exercises reduce the depth of lumbar lordosis. 2. During elongation exercises thoracic kyphosis becomes deeper
Introduction: Correct balance is necessary ability to proper performance of activities of daily living. Age-related weakening of the sensory and motor reactions, can cause postural instability and increase risk of falls. Aim of this study is to determine the differences in the values of the parameters describing the postural stability of women over 60 years of age. Material and methods: 180 women participated in the study: 98 women between the age of 60 and 92 (x=71 years old) and 82 women between the age of 21 and 26 (x=21 years old). Standing balance was assessed in the trial with eyes open and closed, by using stabilometric platform. Six different motion parameters of center of pressure (COP) were evaluated. Results: Statistical analysis showed significant differences in most parameters of the balance of women over 60 years of age and women in the control group. Conclusions: 1) With age, there are significant changes in the in the balancing process, causing growing deficit of postural stability. 2) Women over age 60 have a worse postural stability than younger women within each analyzed parameter with the exception of swings in the frontal plane.
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