The aim of this study was to compare the influence of including dropset exercises in different orders, both inthe pre-exhaustion, as in the post-exhaustion method, and to analyze the performance of total work on the bench pressand chest flying exercise. Twenty-two male volunteers with a recreational experience in ST were evaluated in six visitsin non-consecutive days, at approximately the same time of the day. During the first visit, subjects signed an informedconsent form and underwent an anthropometric evaluation and testing of 10RM. The second visit involved a re-test of10RM. From third to sixth visits, the subjects were randomly grouped into the following experimental situations: 3rdVisit (V3 - Post-exhaustion): Bench Press (dropset) + Chest Flying (10RM); 4th visit (V4 - Post-exhaustion): BenchPress (10RM) + Chest Flying (dropset); 5th Visit (V5 - pre-exhaustion): Chest Flying (dropset) + Bench Press (10RM);6th Visit (V6 - pre-exhaustion): Chest Flying (10RM) + Bench Press (dropset). The protocol of dropset was performedwith 3 sets and no rest intervals 10RM + 80% 10RM + 60% 10RM. An interval between sets was adopted for 2minutes. The primary results showed a significant difference in Total Work for visits V3 and V6, which was included inthe dropset multiarticular exercises. These results suggest that the exercise order with the dropset method in the preexhaustionor post-exhaustion methods had an acute influence on Total Work.