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Zakresy rotacji tułowia i miednicy u dziewcząt ze skoliozą idiopatyczną / A range of rotation of the trunk and pelvis in girls with idiopathic scoliosis


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Introduction: Mobility of spine in persons with different types of idiopathic scoliosis hasn’t been estimate. The aim of this study was to state the influence of scoliosis on a range of rotation of trunk and pelvis in adolescent girls with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).Methods: 59 AIS girls at the age of 10-18 participated in the study. Right thoracic curve or left lumbar curve at spine radiography were the criteria for further measurements. Four groups including girls with different types of scoliosis were formed. Measurements were made in upright standing position The special designed prototype axial rotation tester with flip computer system was used to assess the range of rotation. The shoulder girdle with upper p of the trunk or the pelvis were fixed during tested rotation motions. The number and order motions were precisely determined in the study. 30 healthy girls without scoliosis were test as the control group. ANOVA test and T-test were used for statistical analyzes.Results: There are significant differences between the girls with double curve scoliosis with dominant right thoracic curve, the girls with single or double curve scoliosis with dominant left lumbar curve and the control group. Limited rotation of trunk and pelvis in horizontal plane were observed in the girls with double curve scoliosis with the dominant right thoracic curve. Increased rotation of pelvis in girls with single or double curve scoliosis with dominant left lumbar curve was found.Conclusions: A range of rotation of trunk and pelvis in girls with idiopathic scoliosis depends on a type of scoliosis, especially on location of dominant curve of scoliosis. A dominant right thoracic curve causes limitation of a range of rotation of trunk or pelvis and provokes asymmetries between a range of left and right rotation.A dominant left lumbar curve is conductive to increase a range of rotation of pelvis and provokes asymmetries between a range of left and right rotation.









Physical description


1 - 09 - 2011
27 - 08 - 2013


  • Wydział Rehabilitacji, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Warszawie */ Grant Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Pb2


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