Bulk ceramic compositions of BiFeO3 (BFO),
(Bi0.90Pr0.10)FeO3 and (Bi0.90Pr0.10)Fe0.95T0.05O3 [T=Cu,
Co] were synthesized using conventional solid-state reaction
route. Confirmation of phase formation was established
by x-ray diffraction technique. The relative shifts in
the most intense peaks of the pristine BFO sample indicated
the substitution of rare-earth and transition metal
ions at their respective sites. The grain size decreased with
the A- and B-site substitution in BFO. In Raman spectra,
Pr and Co/Cu co-substituted BFO samples exhibit hardening
of the low-frequency modes. It is also observed that the
line-widths of Raman peaks are broadened as compared
with those of the pure sample. The saturation magnetization
enhanced with Pr and Co co-substitution in BFO with
a value of 1.5 emu/g.