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Dissolution behavior and cell compatibility of
alkali-free MgO-CaO-SrO-TiO2-P2O5 glasses for
biomedical applications


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Owing to their controlled solubility, phosphate
invert glasses are of interest for use as temporary implant
materials or tissue engineering scaffolds for controlled
ion release.MgO-CaO-SrO-TiO2-P2O5 invert glasses
were prepared and their dissolution behavior and cell response
were examined.MgO addition to the phosphate invert
glass system improved glass formation, owing to the
relatively large field strength of Mg2+ ions. In osteoblastlike
MC3T3-E1 cell culture tests, cell numbers on the invert
glasses were significantly larger compared with the
control, possibly caused by the release of Mg2+ ions promoting
enhanced cell adhesion and proliferation. Alkaline
phosphatase (ALP) activity varied with glass composition,
with higher strontium for calcium substitution (33
to 100%) showing highest ALP activity. This effect may be
caused by the release of strontium ions from the glasses.







Physical description


18 - 12 - 2015
2 - 10 - 2015
4 - 8 - 2015


  • Department of Frontier Materials, Graduate
    School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokisocho,
    Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
  • Department of Frontier Materials, Graduate
    School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokisocho,
    Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research,
    Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Fraunhoferstr. 6, 07743 Jena,
  • Department of Frontier Materials, Graduate
    School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokisocho,
    Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan


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