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vol. 37
Contemporary sport is becoming more and more commercialized, hence the players strive to win at all costs, and to achieve this goal, they consider all means to be allowed. In order to be constantly on top, competitors change their training methods, use various aids, and finally direct their interests towards doping. Doping is considered to be the use of substances and all means intended to artificially increase physical fitness during sports competitions, which may be harmful to the ethics of sport or cause mental and physical harm to athletes. The aim of the research is to assess the knowledge of the problem and attitudes of young people practicing sports games towards the dangers of doping. Assessment of knowledge on the effects of the use of illicit means, and analysis of opinion on the use of doping and strengthening mechanisms for the adoption of pharmacological agents. Research on the knowledge about the use of support measures and doping in sport was carried out among talented youth practicing team sports games in randomly selected clubs of Małopolska, Silesia, Podkarpacie and Opole. Continuation studies were conducted in 2018-2020, they covered 60 girls and 60 boys, aged 16 years. The research was carried out using a questionnaire, the questions of which concerned the following problems: knowledge of the essence of sports doping, the relationship between doping and the principle of fair play in sport, support used in physical recreation, reasons for the use of doping, moral and criminal liability in the use of doping. When analyzing the results of the research, it should be noted that the use of doping in sport is negatively perceived by the examined youth. However, it can be assumed that the knowledge about the support and the problem of doping in sport is insufficient. Setting the main goal - sports success and the related financial rewards, as well as the willingness to be the best in the opinion of the respondents may narrow the boundaries, which may facilitate the decision to use support and doping. These observations seem to be very disturbing, as the analysis of research data concerns young people practicing sports at the stage of education and the utilitarian nature of physical activity.
The temperature dependence of direct current (dc) conductivity was studied for various samples of polyaniline-polyvinylchloride (PANI-PVC) blended films. Polyaniline was doped with different concentrations of sulfamic acid in aqueous tetrahydrofuran (THF) and the blended films were prepared by varying the amount of doped PANI relative to a fixed amount of PVC. The dc conductivity of PANI-PVC blended films was measured to determine the effect of sulfamic acid (dopant) in the temperature range (300–400K). The mechanism of conduction is explained by a two-phase model. In order to evaluate the effect of the dopant, conductivity-derived parameters such as the pre-exponential factor (σ o) and the activation energy (ΔE) were calculated. The structural changes of polyaniline-PVC blended films were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy that explores information about the suitability of the dopant in the chemical doping process.
Most athletes in order to achieve satisfactory results have to train long and hard. However, some of them, aiming at victory at all costs, resort to doping. The benefits of winning are relatively small when compared to the damage of the human organism caused by doping. The phenomenon has been present in cycling, athletics, boxing, football, weightlifting and many other sport disciplines for many years. In fencing only few instances of the use of illegal substances during the competition were revealed, which was reflected in Polish and foreign sports press. In many European countries the use of doping is regulated by the anti-doping rules, regulations and policies that define these practices as penal acts. In Poland the problem of doping was first regulated by the Act on Physical Culture of 1984 and 1996 as well as the he Act of 1985 on Prevention of Drug Abuse. The regulations of FIE fencing competitions, prepared on the request of Polish Fencing Federation on the basis of the FIE competition rules in the disciplinary regulations of competitions prohibited the use of artificial stimulants during or before the competition. The aim of this paper is to present the threats in modern sports with particular attention to the phenomenon of doping in fencing, as well as in social terms. It is a case study and a study of selected issues connected to doping in contemporary sports. The author poses the question whether the fencers often are tempted to support their bodies with doping in order to achieve better results than the representatives of other sports? What percentage of the fencers were using illegal stimulants? Is there is a problem of doping in fencing, and if so, what is its scale?
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) have proved to be very special materials due to their unique electronic properties. Over the last years many scientists have dedicated their research to the study of the these materials as an electronic system. Amphoteric doping effects (n-type and p-type), which can be reversed, became a very popular way of manipulating the optic and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes. In the particular case of SWCNT, the most common and widely used procedure, which changes their properties, is acid treatment applied as a purification procedure. The effect of the addition of this kind of the dopant has been widely studied but not fully understood so far. Here, we present a study, of two kinds of SWCNT, produced within different techniques: (i) chemical vapors deposition and (ii) laser ablation. The main difference between the two types is the diameter distribution of the obtained materials, which is broad in the first technique and narrow in the second. After the acid treatment it is possible to observe a diameter sensitive doping effect on both samples. Resonance Raman spectroscopy, optical absorption spectroscopy (OAS) in UV/Vis/NIR and the Fourier transform middle-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy have been applied for the characterization of the samples.
Introduction. The aim of this study was the research among athletes whether and to what extent the sport discipline practiced (individual or team competition) influences the perception of risk associated with the use of doping in sport, and whether age and experience translates into the sports perception of the risks of doping. Material and methods. Three groups of athletes diverse was studied because of the nature of the sport task and the experience/time of practice. Individual disciplines were represented by combat sports (n=12, average time of practice ~6 years), group games by football players (n=9, average time of practice ~7 years) and volleyball players (n=13, average time of practice ~14 years.) The technique "Perception of risk of doping" was used to measure: a) the ranking of values that one can afford to lose in consequences of doping; b) the real probability of losing cherished values; c) personally acceptable level of risk associated with loss of value. Results. It was shown that young players who are members of the team are less mature and aware of the risks associated with the use of doping, not only from their older colleagues in the team, but also from their peers, competing individually. In the perception of young players there were both errors in risk assessment (distortion of losses) as well as illusions relating to the control of hazards, and unrealistic optimism about the possibility of avoiding the negative effects of doping. For mature players, the fear of losing public image has proven to be a strong deterrent against the temptation to use of illegal drugs; for young players, a relatively stronger remedy was the fear of losing the attributes of health and physical attractiveness. Conclusion. Due to the small size of the groups, these findings are suggestions that may serve as an inspiration for research on the wider population.
vol. 40
Sports Medicine (SM) is a new specialty in India which has been often projected, dealing only with treating musculoskeletal (MSK) sports injuries. With adequate training in medical and clinical physiology, SM physicians have an important role to play as an essential part of the multidisciplinary and multispecialty team in the fight against the rise of physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle and non-communicable diseases. Dope-free sports performance enhancement is another important aspect, which needs beyond the MSK centric approach of sports medicine. There is need for awareness and overall development of this unique specialty, with contribution from government side and non-government organizations.
One of the most common arguments in the discussion on doping is that it represents a form of cheating. In this paper it is argued that common doping-is-cheating arguments based on notions of rule-violation and unfair advantage are inadequate, since they treat cheating as distinct from the structure and the logic of competitive sport. An alternative approach to cheating in sport as regards performance enhancement will be offered based on the ethics of participation in interpersonal relationships. This participatory perspective points towards the need to broaden our conception of agency and moral responsibility in relation to doping, beyond the notion of the individual “drug-cheat” who acts in a vacuum.
issue 1
The reflections presented in the paper are not normative (in general, it can be said, that they do not create moral values and demands). The presented reflections particularly stress the sense, essence, meaning, and identity of sport in the context of moral demands. A disquisition pointing out that sports and sport-related doping can be situated beyond the moral good and evil must be considered precisely as metaethical, and leads in a consciously controversial way to fully defining the identity of sport in general, as well as the identity of particular sports disciplines. These reflections also refer to the issue concerning the identity of sports philosophy, i.e. general deliberations and specific issues concerning, for example, the factual and cognitive status of normative ethics in sport. It is impossible to overestimate the role and meaning of metaethical reflection in the context of substantiating moral demands in sports as well as in the context of practical results of expectations. This metaethical reflection not only extends self-knowledge, but also contributes to the metaphilosophy of sports. The degree of the development of self-knowledge - both the metaethics of sports and the metaphilosophy of sports - is also a very important declaration, and a sign of general maturity of the philosophy of sports (Kosiewicz 2008/2009, pp. 5-38)
The reflections presented in the paper are not normative (in general, it can be said, that they do not create moral values and demands). The presented reflections particularly stress the sense, essence, meaning, and identity of sport in the context of moral demands. A disquisition pointing out that sports and sport-related doping can be situated beyond the moral good and evil must be considered precisely as metaethical, and leads in a consciously controversial way to fully defining the identity of sport in general, as well as the identity of particular sports disciplines.These reflections also refer to the issue concerning the identity of sports philosophy, i.e. general deliberations and specific issues concerning, for example, the factual and cognitive status of normative ethics in sport.It is impossible to overestimate the role and meaning of metaethical reflection in the context of substantiating moral demands in sports as well as in the context of practical results of expectations. This metaethical reflection not only extends self-knowledge, but also contributes to the metaphilosophy of sports. The degree of the development of self-knowledge – both the metaethics of sports and the metaphilosophy of sports – is also a very important declaration, and a sign of general maturity of the philosophy of sports (Kosiewicz 2008/2009, pp. 5-38).
Herbal and nutritional supplements are more and more popular in the western population. One of them is an extract of an exotic plant, named Tribulus terrestris (TT). TT is a component of several supplements that are available over-the-counter and widely recommended, generally as enhancers of human vitality. TT is touted as a testosterone booster and remedy for impaired erectile function; therefore, it is targeted at physically active men, including male athletes. Based on the scientific literature describing the results of clinical trials, this review attempted to verify information on marketing TT with particular reference to the needs of athletes. It was found that there are few reliable data on the usefulness of TT in competitive sport. In humans, a TT extract used alone without additional components does not improve androgenic status or physical performance among athletes. The results of a few studies have showed that the combination of TT with other pharmacological components increases testosterone levels, but it was not discovered which components of the mixture contributed to that effect. TT contains several organic compounds including alkaloids and steroidal glycosides, of which pharmacological action in humans is not completely explained. One anti-doping study reported an incident with a TT supplement contaminated by a banned steroid. Toxicological studies regarding TT have been carried out on animals only, however, one accidental poisoning of a man was described. The Australian Institute of Sport does not recommend athletes’ usage of TT. So far, the published data concerning TT do not provide strong evidence for either usefulness or safe usage in sport.
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