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Chemistry for nanotechnology

In recent years, the processing order during the synthesis of new chemical compounds has been redefined. Until now a chemist considered primarily receiving a new compound and only then searched for its potential application. The new philosophy of proceedings forces chemists to answer the question: what physical and chemical properties a new chemical compound must have, and what should be structured. After that it has to be planned how to get the compound including the defined budget. The compounds obtained by conventional chemical synthesis are then used to create new functional materials having the properties as scheduled. The paper presents the way of the proceedings from a molecular receptor to a new nanomaterial containing this receptor, so in other words from individual molecules to new material with specific and previously planned properties.
The results of the research studies concerning binding of heavy metals and arsenic (HM+As), occurring in soils affected by emissions from Głogów Copper Smelter and Refinery, by silane nanomaterial have been described. The content of heavy metals and arsenic was determined by AAS and the effectiveness of heavy metals and arsenic binding by 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane was examined. The total leaching level of impurities in those fractions was 73.26% Cu, 74.7% – Pb, 79.5% Zn, 65.81% – Cd and 55.55% As. The studies demonstrated that the total binding of heavy metals and arsenic with nanomaterial in all fractions was about as follows: 20.5% Cu, 9.5% Pb, 7.1% Zn, 25.3% Cd and 10.89% As. The results presented how the safety of food can be cultivated around industrial area, as the currently used soil stabilization technique of HM by soil pH does not guarantee their stable blocking in a sorptive complex.
This article contains a broad overview of etch process as one of the most important top-down technologies widely used in semiconductor manufacturing and surface modification of nanostructures. In plasma etching process, the complexity comes from the introduction of new materials and from the constant reduction in dimensions of the structures in microelectronics. The emphasis was made on two types of etching processes: dry etching and wet etching illustrated by three dimensional (3D) simulation results for the etching profile evolution based on the level set method. The etching of low-k dielectrics has been demonstrated via modelling the porous materials. Finally, simulation results for the roughness formation during isotropic etching of nanocomposite materials as well as smoothing of the homogeneous materials have also been shown and analyzed. Simulation results, presented here, indicate that with shrinking microelectronic devices, plasma and wet etching interpretative and predictive modeling and simulation have become increasingly more attractive as a tool for design, control and optimization of plasma reactors.
Nanoscale magnetic materials may have several potential applications in the biomedical area. An example thereof are superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, which, due to large own surface and ability to interact with various tissues, are used to detect and analyze biological molecules, in targeted drug delivery, for contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging studies and, last but not least, in therapeutic hyperthermia. When used for medical purposes, magnetic nanoparticles often require coating with a biocompatible polymer, preventing its detection by the immune system, encapsulation by plasma proteins and excretion, while at the same time facilitating binding with organic complexes, which subsequently may accumulate in definite pathological foci. Widespread use of magnetic nanoparticles is associated with heat generation. When placed within neoplastic tissue and exposed to alternating external magnetic field, magnetic nanoparticles generate a local heating effect. Local elevation of tissue temperature has a potent cytostatic effect mediated by denaturation of proteins and destruction of intracellular structures, leading to reduction of tumor mass. Temperature obtained within the tumor depends on properties of magnetic nanoparticles used and parameters of external magnetic field applied, i.e. amplitude and frequency of field oscillations. This physical phenomenon results in direct destruction of tumor cells. Furthermore, local elevation of body temperature contributes to enhanced effectiveness of chemo- and radiotherapy. The paper is a review of current applications of superparamagnetic metal nanoparticles in oncology.
Nanomateriały magnetyczne mogą znaleźć szerokie zastosowanie zarówno w naukach biologicznych, jak i medycznych. Przykładem takich materiałów są superparamagnetyczne nanocząstki żelaza, które z uwagi na dużą powierzchnię właściwą i możliwość oddziaływania z różnymi tkankami są stosowane między innymi w detekcji i analizie biocząsteczek, docelowym transporcie leków, poprawie kontrastu przy badaniach metodą rezonansu magnetycznego i hipertermii. Do zastosowań medycznych nanocząstki magnetyczne wymagają często pokrycia biokompatybilnym polimerem, który z jednej strony ekranuje cząstkę przed układem immunologicznym, uniemożliwiając otoczenie jej białkami plazmy i usunięcie z organizmu, z drugiej zaś ułatwia wiązanie innych kompleksów organicznych, które mogą być transportowane do określonych obszarów patologicznych. Szerokie zastosowanie medyczne magnetycznych nanocząstek jest związane z efektem generowania ciepła. Jeżeli nanocząstki magnetyczne zostaną umiejscowione w zmienionym nowotworowo obszarze ciała, to w obecności zmiennego zewnętrznego pola magnetycznego można uzyskać efekt cieplny. Uśmiercając komórki nowotworowe i niszcząc białka oraz struktury wewnątrzkomórkowe wygenerowaną w tych miejscach wysoką temperaturą, możemy powodować zmniejszenie się guza. Wysokość uzyskanego przez nas poziomu temperatury w guzie nowotworowym zależy od właściwości użytych magnetycznych nanocząstek oraz od parametrów przyłożonego zmiennego pola magnetycznego (amplituda, częstotliwość). To zjawisko fizyczne wykorzystuje się do bezpośredniego niszczenia komórek nowotworowych. Dodatkowo wzrost temperatury obszaru ciała chorego zwiększa efektywność zastosowanej chemio- lub radioterapii. W pracy zaprezentowano przegląd zastosowania superparamagnetycznych cząsteczek metali w terapii nowotworowej.
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