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Sprawność fizyczna człowieka w dużej mierze zależy od zdolności utrzymywania równowagi ciała. Zdolność tę bada się używając różnych metod i testów, wciąż szukając najlepszego sposobu jej oceny. Równowagę ciała omawia się w różnych aspektach i w odniesieniu do różnych okresów rozwojowych. Zwykle rozróżnia się równowagę statyczną i dynamiczną. Powszechnie stosowane techniki komputerowe oraz różnego rodzaju testy oceny równowagi wciąż nie są satysfakcjonujące i stanowią temat do dyskusji nad wartością tychże pomiarów. Układ równowagi ciała wymaga współdziałania wielu mechanizmów, co niewątpliwie utrudnia skonstruowanie przyrządu pomiarowego służącego do jego trafnej i rzetelnej oceny, zarówno w warunkach statycznych jak i dynamicznych. Prowadzone badania nad powiązaniem równowagi ciała z innymi przejawami motoryczności człowieka, np. wpływem budowy ciała i płci na poziom danej cechy są bardzo pomocne w rzetelnej ocenie równowagi wśród młodzieży i dzieci. Wynikające ze współoddziaływania czynników i środowiskowych różnice potencjału somatycznego wyrażonego m.in. wysokością, masą i proporcjami ciała, mogą decydować o odmiennych predyspozycjach i zdolnościach motorycznych dzieci i młodzieży. Dowiedziono, iż wpływ określonych ćwiczeń może efektywnie wpływać na poziom równowagi dzieci. Celem doniesienia jest dokonanie przeglądu różnych metod badania równowagi ciała. Przeszukano bazy danych PubMed i Scopus. Słowa kluczowe użyte w wyszukiwaniu: balance, postural balance, koordynacja, diagnostyka koordynacji.
A man's physical fitness largely depends on the ability to maintain body balance. This ability is examined by using various methods and tests, still searching for the best way of its evaluation. Body balance is discussed from different aspects and in relation to various developmental periods. Usually, static and dynamic balance are distinguished. Commonly used computer techniques and different kinds of tests of balance evaluation are still not satisfactory and they constitute a topic for discussion over the value of these measurements. Balance system of the body require the interaction of many mechanisms, which undoubtedly, impedes the construction of the measuring device used for its accurate and reliable assessment, both in static and dynamic conditions. The conducted research on linking body balance with other manifestations of a man's motor skills, for example the impact of body composition and gender on the level of this feature, is very helpful in the accurate assessment of this feature among the youth and children. The differences, resulting from the interaction between environmental and genetic factors, in somatic potential that are manifested in different body size and body proportions, may be decisive of a children’s motor skills and predispositions. It has been proved that the influence of specific exercises can effectively influence the level of children's balance. The purpose of the report is to review different methods of body balance examination. The PubMed and Scopus databases have been searched. The following keywords were used in the search: balance, postural balance, coordination, coordination diagnostics. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. null
Background: The purpose of this study was to compare body balance in road and off-road cyclists, immediately before and after the racing season. Material/Methods: Twenty individuals participated in the study and they were divided into two groups: specialists in road-cycling (n = 10) and in off-road cycling (n = 10). Immediately before and after the five-month racing season stabilographic trials were carried out (at rest and after progressive exercise). In assessing body balance the distance and velocity of the centre shifts (in the anterior-posterior and left-right direction) were analysed. The tests were performed with the cyclists’ eyes open, eyes closed, and in feedback. Results: After the racing season, in the off-road cyclists’ group, distance and velocity of the centre of pressure shifts increased after a progressive exercise. Conclusions: In the off-road cyclists’ group the balance of the body in the sagittal plane deteriorated after the racing season. Moreover, after the racing season off-road cyclists were characterized by a worse balance of the body, compared to road cyclists
Purpose. The aim of the present work was to identify factors and neurophysiological mechanisms that may determine a robust and very stable postural control in athletes. Basic procedures. Postural performance in quiet stance was compared in 23 volleyball players from the Polish second league with 24 age-matched healthy physically active male subjects (controls). All participants stood quietly for 20 s on a force plate with their eyes open, while the center of pressure (COP) was recorded with the sampling rate of 20 Hz in both: the anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) planes. From the recorded signals the COP dispersion measures, postural frequency and stiffness were computed. Main findings. The players displayed lower COP variability in the ML plane (p < 0.05) and lower COP range than controls in both planes (p < 0.01). Their COP mean velocity was higher in the AP plane (p < 0.0001) and the ML plane (p < 0.01) than in controls. Together, these findings indicated the presence of an additional low-amplitude and high-frequency signal superimposed on the COP in athletes but not in controls. Superior body stability and different mode of automatic postural control observed in the players challenge recent views on the relationships between attention resources allocation and its consequences to the selection and implementation of postural strategies. Conclusions. The volleyball players have superior body stability and different mode of automatic postural control as compared with the control group. Postural strategies of athletes may result from slight muscular adjustments that adopt mechanisms similar to stochastic resonance to monitor an instantaneous body vertical with greater efficiently.
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Effects of Accelerated Breathing On Postural Stability

Human Movement
vol. 9
issue 2
Purpose. The aim of the paper was to determine the effect of respiration on body balance in quiet standing. Basic procedures. Postural performance during quiet standing was compared in 37 young healthy subjects in two trials on a force plate: first with natural breathing, and then with accelerated high-volume breathing at the rate of 1 Hz. Each trial included 20 s quiet standing with eyes open, and the center of pressure (COP) was recorded with the sampling rate of 20 Hz in both anterior-posterior (AP) and mediallateral (ML) planes. Based on the recorded signals the COP dispersion measures and postural frequency were calculated. Main findings. The forced respiration contributed significantly to the increase in all COP stability measures in the AP plane: dispersion (p < 0.01), range (p < 0.001) and mean velocity and frequency (p < 0.00001). In the ML plane only mean velocity (p < 0.001) and frequency (p < 0.01) were affected. Conclusions. In view of the evidence provided by other authors that stress tests increase the amplitude- and frequency-based stability measures, our results indicate that the contribution of natural accelerated breathing after strenuous physical exercise will bias the results of stabilographic studies, rendering them worthless in understanding the role of neuromuscular fatigue in stability deterioration. Such studies must use data collected after the respiration returns to normal rate. However, if the study aims at overall assessment of postural stability post-fatigue, the postural testing may be performed immediately after the stress test.
Introduction. In the initial phase of ski lessons, the skier encounters a completely new situation. The maintenance of body stability, which is influenced by various factors, attracts his entire attention. The aim of this study was to define the impact of ankle joint stiffening by ski equipment on the maintenance of body balance. Material and methods. The research was conducted on 13-member group aged 20 to 24. All the subjects were male students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Bia³a Podlaska (graduates of the ski instructor course). Each participant carried out three postural exercises on the KISTLER dynamometric platform. Then the same exercises were performed with ski boots and skis. Two parameters were used for the analysis of body balance, namely the COP path length and the surface area of the stabilogram. Results. It was stated in the study that ankle joint stiffening while standing on both skis did not have a negative impact on the postural stability. In majority of the tested subjects while standing on one ski, a considerable increase in the both analysed parameters occurred in relation to the same exercises performed without ski boots. That being so, it can be inferred that ski equipment causes deterioration of body stability. Moreover, it was noticed as a result of putting on ski boots and skis that body fluctuations increased slightly in relation to the growth of the base of support defined by the ski length and ski width setting. Conclusions. On this basis, it was concluded that ski equipment does not have a negative influence on the maintaining body balance. The growth of body fluctuations during exercises is insignificant in relation to the increase of body base area. It is necessary to find new ways of compensating for body fluctuations in order to maintain body balance with ski equipment on.
Purpose. The goal of this thesis is to test the qualification of changes in balance as the effect of long-lasting balancing on a movable platform alternately in sagittal and frontal planes. It was expected to find answers to the following problems: 1. Does the effort caused by a 10-minute balancing in the given planes and in the given pattern have an influence on dynamic balance parameters? 2. Till which moment are the subjects able to improve their balancing skills in the given planes? 3. Do the possible changes progress in the same way in both planes considered? Basic procedures. 28 men aged between 24.3 and 33.8 years took part in this test. Average age of the subjects was 25.2 years. The tests were made on EasyTech Balance Platform. Tests consisted of a trial of balancing in a standing position with feet placed parallel on the platform. The subjects' task was to operate the platform through the right feet pressure to make the same sinusoid line as the pattern was. A ten-minute trial was made alternately in the sagittal and frontal planes. Individual dynamic parameters were recorded each minute of the test. Main findings. Significant improvement was noted in the first three minutes of the test. Between the 4th and 7th minutes parameters were relatively stable. The best results were recorded in the 8th minute of the test and this level was kept till the end of the trial. The character of the observed changes was analogous in the case of both planes. Conclusions. There was a statistically significant improvement in the dynamic body's stability noted in both planes in the test. Best results were recorded in the 8th minute of the test. The test used in the trial was long enough to establish the borderline between motor learning and the beginning of tiredness. The higher level of stability in the sagittal plane was affirmed in all successive minutes of the trials made.
Background: Tennis is characterized with short and intermittent efforts of an altering intensity and time where numerous factors determine the achieved success. Some of them include human's morphological body build, motor abilities and efficiency of the energetic systems. Both motor abilities and physical capacity appear to be particularly significant due to the unpredictable time and weather situation of the tournaments. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between body composition, aerobic capacity and the balance in young tennis players at rest and during fatigue triggered by an endurance test. Moreover, we tried to find the correlation between the tennis ranking position and the balance.Material/Methods: Well-trained 16 young tennis players (15 and 17 years old, singles national ranking 3-39, average training experience of 9 years) took part in this study. They were assigned to two groups according to their age - 15 TG and 17 TG. Participants completed the same battery of body composition, aerobic, and body balance assessments. Body balance measurement was repeated twice - before and after the aerobic assessment.Results: The main finding of this study points out the body balance to be a motor ability influencing results achieved in the specific tennis drill. This connection was observed in both of the tested groups; however, it was particularly significant within 17 TG.Conclusions: The presented study does not point out the main factor to focus on when conducting a career of a professional tennis player regardless of the numerous tests and measurements included in the analysis observed. Interesting correlations may suggest that for the players in a developmental age it is speed and balance that ought to be more intensively developed.
Wstęp: Niestabilność posturalna i trudności w utrzymaniu pionowej postawy u osób po udarze mózgu mogą być związane z zaburzeniem schematu ciała (tzw. nieuwagą połowiczą). W konsekwencji chorzy nie mogą swobodnie funkcjonować w Ŝyciu codziennym. Obecnie w fizjoterapii najczęściej stosowane są metody neurofizjologiczne jak: metoda NDT-Bobath i PNF. Celem pracy była ocena przydatności platformy stabilometrycznej do pomiaru stabilności i równowagi ciała w pozycji stojącej oraz wpływu w/w metod na równowagę u chorych po udarze mózgu. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono u 62 chorych po udarze niedokrwiennym mózgu. Chorych losowo przydzielono do dwóch grup terapii: NDT-Bobath i PNF. Do oceny stabilności postawy i równowagi ciała w warunkach statycznych (pomiar powierzchni pola podparcia i długości drogi COP) wykorzystano platformę stabilometryczną ALFA. Wyniki: Przed rozpoczęciem terapii obserwowano dłuższą drogę COP i większe pole podparcia u chorych z niedowładem lewostronnym, co potwierdza większą niestabilność ciała i zaburzenia równowagi w tej grupie chorych. Po terapii większe wartości skrócenia drogi przemieszczania się COP występowało u chorych z niedowładem prawostronnym (w obu grupach), a w przypadku wielkości pola podparcia nie obserwowano takiej tendencji. Po terapii stwierdzono istotnie większe skrócenie drogi COP i zmniejszenie pola powierzchni podparcia u chorych, u których stosowano metodę NDT-Bobath. Wnioski: U chorych po udarze mózgu większe zaburzenia stabilności postawy i równowagi ciała występują u osób z niedowładem lewostronnym. W fizjoterapii chorych po udarze mózgu metody NDT-Bobath i PNF wykazują działania terapeutyczne. Istotnie większe skrócenie drogi COP i większe zmniejszenie pola powierzchni podparcia obserwowano u chorych leczonych metodą NDT-Bobath.
Introduction: Postural instability and difficulty in maintaining an upright position in patients after a stroke are connected with an impaired schema of the body. As a result, patients are not able to cope with daily activities. NDT-Bobath and PNF methods are commonly used in physiotherapy nowadays. The study aimed at an evaluation of the usefulness of a stabilometric platform in measuring stability and body balance in a standing position as well as the assessment of the impact of the above methods on the improvement of balance in patients after a stroke.Material and methods: Sixty-two patients after an ischemic stroke were included in the study. The patients were randomized to two therapy groups: NDT-Bobath and PNF. To assess the stability of posture and body balance in static conditions (measuring the field of support and COP path length) an ALFA stabilometric platform was used. Results: Before the therapy was conducted a longer COP path and a larger field of support in patients with left-sided paresis were observed, which confirms the increased instability of the body and impaired balance. After the therapy the researchers observed a shorter COP path in patients with right-sided paresis (in both the groups) while there was no such trend in relation to the field of support. After the therapy patients for whom the NDT-Bobath method had been used demonstrated a significantly greater reduction of the COP path and reduction in the area of support.Conclusion: Increased postural instability and impairment of body balance occurred in stroke patients with left-sided paresis. In the physiotherapy of post-stroke patients NDT-Bobath and PNF methods have important therapeutic properties. A significantly greater reduction of the COP path and a large reduction in the area of support were observed in patients treated with the NDT-Bobath method.
Introduction. Body build and the ability to maintain balance play an important role in the development and improvement of specialised motor habits and complex technical elements necessary to achieve significant sporting results in rhythmic gymnastics. The aim of this study was to determine changes in the level of ability to maintain dynamic balance and in the construction of somatic young female rhythmic gymnasts during a period of two year training. Material and methods. The research material consisted of 13 girls. When the first measurements were taken gymnasts were aged 7 - 12 years. In the study we utilised posturography and the Heath-Carter Anthropometric Somatotype Method. The analysis of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences (p <0.05) in the values of the dynamic balance indicators of the gymnasts' bodies in all three consecutive measurements over a course of years. Results and conclusions. It was noted that as the young gymnasts progressed in their training, their ability to maintain dynamic balanced increased. Based on the characteristics of the model, we developed an exemplary set of dynamic balance of rhythmic gymnasts. The somatotype of the tested athletes surveyed had been changing in the direction of increase in the proportion of components of endomorphy and mesomorphy. The balance ability of rhythmic gymnasts stabilised during their puberty associated with changes in body proportions ratio i.e.: height, weight and somatotype. The results and conclusions drawn can be an important part of selection and choice and can be used to control the dynamic balance in rhythmic gymnastics.
Celem pracy jest ocena skuteczności fizjoterapii rozszerzonej o różne formy treningu marszowego na bieżni u osób starszych z obniżoną sprawnością fizyczną i zaburzeniami równowagi w przebiegu osteoporozy. Badaniem objęto 9 mężczyzn i 21 kobiet w wieku 60-80 lat. Pacjentów podzielono losowo na dwie równe grupy (kontrolną i badawczą). W grupie kontrolnej zastosowano trening chodu do przodu na bieżni ruchomej, a w grupie badawczej trening chodu do tyłu. Jako narzędzie badawcze wykorzystano testy funkcjonalne, m.in.: Tinetti, Functional Reach Test, Get Up and Go oraz badanie momentu siły mięśni czworogłowych stawów kolanowych. Wyniki badań wskazują, że trening chodu do tyłu na bieżni ruchomej w istotny sposób wpływa na poprawę sprawności fizycznej osób starszych i może być specyficzną i skuteczną formą kształtowania ich równowagi ciała.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of physiotherapy consisting of various forms of gait training on a treadmill in elderly patients with reduced physical fitness and with balance disorders. The examination group consisted of 9 men and 21 women aged 60-80 years and they were randomly divided into two groups (control and test). The gait exercises on a treadmill were based on walking forward in the control group and on walking backward in the test group. The following tests were employed for the purpose of the research: Tinetti test, Functional Reach Test, Get Up and Go Test. The strength of quadriceps muscles of the knee joints was examined as well. The research results show that backward walking on the treadmill significantly influences balance and physical fitness in elderly people and it may be an effective way of improving balance in the elderly.
Background. The foot is one of the most important anatomical structures of the human body. It is mainly responsible for maintaining an appropriate position, both in static and dynamic conditions. This function is conditioned by many factors, the most important being a normal shape of the foot arch, which determines its proper operation. Any deviation from the norm may result in disruption in the performance of the foot and affect the functioning of even distant segments of the human body. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the foot arches and the efficiency of the balance mechanism in standing. Material and methods. The study enrolled 48 individuals, of whom 21 were women and 27 men. Evaluation of the foot arches was performed using Clarke's angle index, which was determined with the use of a mirror podoscope produced by Podoskop.pl and a specialist computer program FREEstep. The efficiency of the balance mechanism in the standing position was evaluated on the basis of six stabilographic tests. Results. A statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between the mean value of Clarke's angle index in bipedal standing and the result of the stabilographic test for bipedal standing with eyes closed, and between the value of Clarke's angle index for the left foot in bipedal standing and the result of stabilographic tests for bipedal standing both with the eyes open and closed. Conclusion. 1. There is a correlation between the value of Clarke's angle index of the foot in bipedal standing and the length of the foot pressure path on the ground during bipedal standing. 2. Individuals with a reduced plantar vault of the foot have reduced efficiency of the balance mechanism in bipedal standing both with the eyes open and closed. The above observations can be generalised as follows: individuals with more arched feet have better balance control in bipedal standing. 3. Persons with more arched feet have better balance control in bipedal standing.
Wstęp. Stopa jest jedną z najważniejszych struktur anatomicznych ludzkiego ciała. Odpowiada ona głównie za utrzymywanie odpowiedniej pozycji zarówno w statyce jak i w dynamice. Jest to uwarunkowane przez wiele czynników, jednak najważniejszym z nich jest prawidłowe ukształtowanie wysklepienia stopy, które warunkuje jej prawidłowe funkcjonowanie. Każde odchylenie od normy może skutkować zaburzeniem w pełnieniu przez stopę swoich zadań oraz wpływać na funkcjonowanie nawet odległych segmentów ludzkiego ciała. Celem pracy była ocena współzależności pomiędzy wysklepieniem stopy, a sprawnością mechanizmu utrzymywania równowagi w pozycji stojącej. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 48 osób, z czego 21 stanowiły kobiety, a 27 mężczyźni. Ocenę wysklepienia stopy przeprowadzono przy użyciu wskaźnika kątowego Clarke’a, do którego wyznaczenia wykorzystano lustrzany podoskop firmy Podoskop.pl oraz specjalistyczny program komputerowy FREEstep. Ocenę sprawności mechanizmu utrzymania równowagi w pozycji stojącej przeprowadzono na podstawie sześciu prób stabilograficznych. Wyniki. Przeprowadzona analiza statystyczna wykazała istotną zależność między średnią wartością wskaźnika kątowego Clarke’a badanego obunóż, a wynikiem próby stabilograficznej obunóż z zamkniętymi oczami oraz pomiędzy wartością wskaźnika kątowego Clarke’a dla stopy lewej badanego obunóż, a wynikiem próby stabilograficznej obunóż zarówno z otwartymi jak i z zamkniętymi oczami. Wnioski. 1. Istnieje współzależność pomiędzy wartością wskaźnika kątowego Clarke’a badanego obunóż a długością ścieżki parcia stóp na podłoże podczas stania na dwóch KKD. 2. Osoby ze zmniejszonym wysklepieniem podeszwowym stopy mają zmniejszoną sprawność mechanizmu utrzymania równowagi w pozycji stojącej na dwóch KKD zarówno z otwartymi jak i zamkniętymi oczami. Powyższe obserwacje można uogólnić następująco: osoby posiadające bardziej wysklepione stopy lepiej kontrolują równowagę podczas stania na dwóch KKD. 3. Osoby posiadające bardziej wysklepione stopy lepiej kontrolują równowagę podczas stania na dwóch.
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