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Open Physics
vol. 10
issue 2
Analytical results for the spatial dependence of the correlation functions for all meson excitations in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, the lowest order, are calculated. The meson screening mass is obtained as a large distance limit of the correlation function. Our analysis leads to a better understanding of the excitations of Quark Gluon Plasma at sufficiently large temperatures and may be of relevance for future numerical calculations with fully interacting Quantum Chromodynamics.
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The horn, kink and step, dale: from few GeV to few TeV

Open Physics
vol. 10
issue 6
Rich experimental data have been collected in heavy-ion collisions at high energies to study the properties of strongly interacting matter. As the theory of strong interactions, QCD, predicts asymptotic freedom, the created matter at sufficiently high temperature and density will be dominated by a state of quasi-free quarks and gluons referred to as the Quark-Qluon Plasma (QGP). Experimental signals for the onset of the QGP creation (the onset of the deconfinement) have been predicted within the statistical model for the early stage of nucleus-nucleus collisions. In this model the existence of two different phases is assumed: confined mater and the QGP, as well as a first order phase transition between them. Until recently, these predictions were confirmed only by the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS. In this report recent results from STAR at RHIC/BNL and from ALICE at LHC/CERN, related to the onset of deconfinement, will be compared to published results from NA49.
Open Physics
vol. 10
issue 6
Azimuthal event anisotropy and particle correlation have been used to analyze the collectivity of the system created in the high-energy heavy-ion collisions in order to study the properties of Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). Higher harmonic event anisotropy is recently recognized to carry the information of initial participant geometrical fluctuation because of the finite number of participating nucleons in heavy-ion collisions. The system response after the collective expansion can be observed as higher harmonic event anisotropy, the n-th harmonic order dependence can be used to further constrain the hydro-dynamical properties of the system. The multi-particle azimuthal correlation with respect to the higher harmonic event plane can be used as a tool to understand the origin of the higher harmonic event anisotropy and its relation to the medium response from the jet-quenching as soft-hard interplay. Recent results on the higher harmonic event anisotropy measurements and an attempt of two-particle correlation analysis with respect to the higher harmonic event planes are discussed.
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