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Areas of the outstanding natural beauty of the Triglav National Park, in Slovenia


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This paper is a photographic summary of a scientific and touristic expedition carried out in June 2022 in the Triglav National Park, located in the northwestern of Slovenia. The Flora and fauna of the Park are very rich and diverse, and also has a huge number of rivers, streams, and crystalline lakes, emerald-blue in color and connected by a series of cascades and waterfalls, embedded in a network of mountains in the Julian Alps. The photos show park structures and wilderness areas, with spacious forest complexes, lakes, small streams, and waterfalls extending, besides geological formations, plants, and animal species.


  • Ploaia Agronomia, Ecologia e Meio Ambiente, Rua Leonardo Mota, 66 - São Paulo-SP, ZIP 05586-090, Brazil
  • Ploaia Agronomia, Ecologia e Meio Ambiente, Rua Leonardo Mota, 66 - São Paulo-SP, ZIP 05586-090, Brazil


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