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2022 | 13 | 107-119

Article title

Wybrane właściwości regolitu i ich istotny wpływ na realizację misji eksploracyjnych


Title variants

Critical regolith properties and their important implications for space exploration missions

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Interaction with regolith is an essential and unpredictable factor in implementing space exploration missions, affecting their risks and costs. Those apply not only to scientific missions (such as Rosetta, InSight, European Large Logistic Lander, Artemis program missions, and Commercial Lunar Payload Services) but also those oriented towards industrial and large-scale utilization of celestial body resources for infrastructure development (ISRU, In-Situ Resource Utilization). The article presents a broad-view synthesis of selected issues related to the properties of regolith and their exemplary impact on space missions and projects in which Poland has participated in recent years.






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  • Astronika Sp. z o.o., ul. Bartycka 18, Warszawa
  • Astronika Sp. z o.o., ul. Bartycka 18, Warszawa
  • Astronika Sp. z o.o., ul. Bartycka 18, Warszawa
  • Grytech, Warszawa


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