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2003 | 4 | 117-129

Article title

The activity of selected hydrolases in excretion-secretion products and exctracts from larvae and mature specimens of Cystidicola farionis

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The results of the study indicated that there are differences in the activity of hydrolases depending on the development stage of the parasite and the season of the year. Twelve hydrolases were confirmed to be active in excretion-secretion (ES) products of larvae collected in fall, while nine were active in spring. The activity of hydrolase from the extracts of fall samples was most often higher than in spring. Eight active hydrolases were confirmed in mature specimens both in spring and fall, and they exhibited a lower activity level than the ES products of larvae. However, the activity of enzymes was higher in mature specimens than in larvae in the extracts from both spring and fall samples.




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Publication order reference

J. Dziekonska-Rynko, Faculty of Biology, University of Warmia and Mazury, ul. Oczapowskiego 5, 10-957 Olsztyn, Poland


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