Multiplication of tree ferns using the traditional methods, i.e. the sowing of spores, is a very difficult task, characterised by low efficiency. It seems that in vitro culture of gamatophyte could be employed to overcome these difficulties. Experiments with vegetative propagation of tree ferns have been carried out in our lab over the last few years. The following species C. australis (R.Br), C. brownii (Domin), C. capensis, C. dealbata (G.Forst.)SW., C. dregei Kunze , C. giganthea, C. medullaris, C. smithii Hook f., C. spinulosa, Cyathea sp Sm were the subjects of our studies. Experiments were carried out with the use of two basal agar media: Murashige and Skoog (1962) and Knop medium. Various concentrations of minerals of the studied media were used. It was proved that the time required for the germination of sown spores on agar medium depended on the species and concentration of used mineral ingredients of the studied media. Finally, numerous plants were obtained only from C. australis and C. Cooperi.