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1992 | 40 | 2 | 107-111

Article title

Specific allergen induced motility of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear leukocytes in insect sting allergy

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The motility of perpheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) and polymorphoxnuclear (PMN) leukocytes form normal and bee venom allergic subjects was investigated by a modified Boyden micropore filter method. The study comprised MNC locomotion in bee venom and <histamine> gradients and PMN locomotion in bee venom and fMLP gradients. We demonstrated statistically significant increase in MNC and PMN motility towards bee venom in allergic patients group. This effect disappeared after the preincubation of MNC with anti-human IgE antiboidies. We observed no such effect in PMN leukocytes. Increased MNC motility in histamine gradient was observed only in control subjects group. Similarily significant increase in PMN locomotion towards fMLP was found in both allergic and control subjects. The results here demonstrated suggest that a specific allergen might be a chemoattractant for peripheral blood MNC and PMN leukocytes from atopics and could be capable to induce non-infectious inflammatory reactions as a result of its interaction with these sensitive cells.


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