This article summarizes the activities at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (Max-Planck-Institut f?r Z?chtungsforschung, MPIZ) in the area of ?Arabidopsis genomics?. We describe the status of three Arabidopsis thaliana genomic projects at the MPIZ: 1) The Gene Knock-Out Facility ZIGIA (Zentrum zur Identifikation von Genfunktionen durch Insertionsmutagenese bei A. thaliana, Center for Functional Genomics in A. thaliana) using lines tagged with the maize transposon En/Spm, 2) the GABI-Kat project that provides sequence indexed T-DNA tagged lines and 3) the GABI-MASC project that creates mapping tools based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) for efficient assessment of natural diversity in A. thaliana. The materials and tools developed by these projects are publicly available and used worldwide by scientist to explore the frontiers of plant sciences.