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2019 | 32 | 4 | 5-11

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Assessment of the correlations between the level of physical activity and sociodemographic factors, functional capabilities and cognitive capabilities of elderly persons from south-eastern Poland


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Introduction Insufficient physical activity constitutes one of the most problematic issues in the contemporary society. Data show that seniors should take up physical activity as it considerably affects their health and quality of life. Material and method The study included 76 individuals over 60 years of age who actively participated in social life (Senior Clubs, Country Housewives' Clubs, Folk groups) in south-eastern Poland. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), Timed Up and Go Cognitive Test (TUG cog), 10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT), right and left handgrip test, Functional Chair Stand Test (FS test), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) were applied in the study. Results It was revealed that male participants (p=0.001), individuals being in a relationship (p=0.02) and subjects who had never had any fractures before (p=0.02) demonstrated higher levels of physical activity. In the examined group, a higher level of physical activity significantly correlated with a higher level of muscle strength of lower limbs (p=0.32) and left handgrip strength (p=0.26), shorter time of covering the distance of 10 metres (p=-0.23) and a higher level of cognitive capabilities (p=0.29). Conclusions Physical activity depends on sociodemographic factors and correlates with functional and cognitive capabilities of seniors. Therefore, it is important to promote active lifestyle among elderly individuals and to draw attention to its positive influence on everyday functioning.








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