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2012 | 19 | 4 | 230-234

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Selected Coordination Motor Abilities in Elite Wrestlers and Taekwon-Do Competitors


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Introduction. The aim of the study was to compare CMAs in elite wrestlers and taekwon-do competitors. Material and methods. Forty-nine Greco-Roman wrestlers and ITF taekwon-do competitors were included in the study. The wrestlers were 21.9±2.74 years old, while the taekwon-do competitors were 22.7±5.78 years old. The former group had between 7 and 14 years' training experience and the latter group had from 6 to 16 years' experience. All subjects were elite sportspeople (between first class and international master class levels). Five CMAs were assessed using 14 indices. Computer tests from the Vienna Test System were employed in the study. Results. It was shown that there were no significant differences in CMA levels between wrestlers and taekwon-do competitors. Wrestlers from higher sports classes outperformed competitors who possessed lower sports classes in the majority of CMA indices. Statistically significant differences were observed for simple reaction, movement coupling and high frequency of movements. Taekwon-do competitors at the international master sports class (IM) level scored better than athletes who were at national master class (NM) and first class (I) levels in spatial orientation, reaction time, movement coupling and high frequency of movements. Regardless of the type of combat sport, competitors demonstrated high individual differences in CMAs, which may indicate that a focus on coordination improvement could increase training effectiveness. Conclusions. Further research on identifying predominant CMAs in sportspeople at different levels of competition, particularly in those achieving significant sports successes may be conducted. Tests to thoroughly diagnose coordination should be employed in such investigations.









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1 - 12 - 2012
20 - 04 - 2013


  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Sports Theory, 2 Akademicka Street, 21-500 Biała Podlaska, tel.: +48 83 3428751, fax: +48 83 3428800
  • The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Department of Combat Sports and Weightlifting
  • The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Department of Biomedical Bases of Physiotherapy and Cosmetology
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Department of Medical Rehabilitation


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