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2011 | 18 | 4 | 319-323

Article title

Traditional Games Park - An Inspiring Educational Playground for all or Utopia in Modern Urban Agglomeration?


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Introduction. The aim of this study was to find the opinions of the representative groups of Poznan citizens about the introduction of traditional games as a "new" option to activate youngsters and adults physically. Material and methods. The data were collected by interviews on three selected groups: 1. headmasters and principles of kindergartens and pre-school and early school teachers (n=51); 2. parents of pre-school and early school children (n=200); 3. retired people - seniors having grandchildren (n=103). Results. The obtained results revealed the low knowledge and awareness of traditional games among examined people. The majority of the examined people fully agreed that a Traditional Games Park would be a different offer from other ones concerning physical activity in urban areas. More than a half of them declared they would willingly take their tutees to this kind of park on numerous occasions if various educational and recreational programmes and offers were provided. Conclusion. This kind of park might be the right place to show other inhabitants of Poznan and its visitors a part of regional and national culture and history and also to give people the chance to explore our social life of the past and to carry it playfully and peacefully into the future.










1 - 12 - 2011
1 - 3 - 2012


  • Department of Olympism and Ethnology of Sport, University School of Physical Education in Poznan


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