In line with international trends, we could also observe in Hungary beginning in the late 1990s increasing attention given by local governments to sports. Hungarian provisions of law related to sports (including, in particular, Act I of 2004 on sports) put local governments in charge of some very important tasks. Among other things, local governments were to determine the local concept of sports development and to ensure its implementation, cooperate with local sports organizations and sports associations, and as owners maintain and operate the sports facilities. In light of the above facts, the study analyzes the sport concepts adopted by the local governments of the Hungarian cities of county rank and tries to find the answers to the following questions: 1. To what extent are the documents concerned in accordance with the requirements usually drafted for the development concepts and which platforms they involve?; 2. To what extent did the local governments recognize the relationship between the sports and place marketing on the level of concept-making?As a conclusion of the study, the following significant establishments can be made: 1. Comparing the existing sport concepts with the general requirements of the development concepts, a large number of deficiencies can be observed; 2. The areas mentioned in the situation-analysis part of these documents are in close relationship with the importance of the topics concerned; 3. The local governments of the cities of county rank decisively recognized the role of sports in place marketing.