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2012 | 4 | 1 | 44-52

Article title

The Views of Women Practising Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Acrobatics Gymnastics on Their Disciplines


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Background: Physical culture covers a number of forms of physical activity, with sport being the most specialized form of participation. Rapid development of sport in recent years has contributed not only to the rise in the level of competitive sport but it also made the processes of social transitions to be reflected on a wider scale. The goal of this study is to demonstrate the views on professional sports from two generations of women who have practiced gymnastics. The main focus was on the presentation of gymnastics in the perspective of other disciplines and its place in everyday life of the studied subjects.Material/Methods: The study was carried out among a group of 482 athletes of two generations: gymnasts currently involved in sport and the former ones. Sociological research was the basic research method. A questionnaire survey and an interview questionnaire were the used research tools. The material was also subjected to statistical elaboration, using V-Cramer coefficient, which confirms statistically significant relationships.Results: The results of the study revealed that during sport careers both the idea of professional sport activity and the importance of individual values of sport undergo considerable transformations at different phases of gymnasts' sport careers, which is proved by the differences in opinions between both the studied generations.Conclusions: Attitudes of the two generations of gymnasts towards competitive sport, despite a number of similarities, also show some intergenerational disproportions.











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1 - 1 - 2012
4 - 4 - 2012


  • University School of Physical Education in Cracow, Poland
  • University School of Physical Education in Cracow, Poland
  • Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk, Poland


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