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2010 | 2 | 1 | 57-66

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An Attempt at the Identification of Anthropometric Conditioning of Sport Results in 400-Metre Men's Hurdles


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Background: The purpose of this work is to verify the opinions concerning the preferred somatic build and to define current parameters of the model of the sports-master in 400-metre hurdles.Material/Methods: Data about the height and the body mass of the best world competitors in 400-metre hurdles have been used in the research. Results were divided into three levels: below 48 s; 48.00-48.99 s and 49.00-49.99 s. For all groups the following indexes were defined: Rohrer's, Quetelet I and Quetelet II. The dependence between the sports level and the somatic parameters were rated by means of the coefficient of Pearson's correlation. The differentiation between the somatic features in each group of proficiency, was evaluated by means of the t-Student test.Results: In 2006, statistically important relations between the sports result of best hurdlers and the value of Quetelet's II factor (0.03) was obtained. Then in 2007, the essential positive dependence (0.009) between the result and the value of Rohrer's factor was observed. None of the analysed parameters was found to be statistically important in every of the chosen years.Conclusions: Body height in the group of best hurdlers in most cases was located in values between 182.5-183.5 cm while the body mass between about 72-73 kgs. Besides, the hurdlers are characterized with the slender somatic build, which is proven by convincing values of slenderness indicators: Rohrer's (ca. 1.20), Quetelet's I (ca. 400) and Quetelet's II (ca. 22). Rohrer's factor is particularly valuable in this case.










Physical description


1 - 1 - 2010
18 - 10 - 2010


  • Department of Theory of Sport, Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
  • Department of Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy Division, Medical University of Warsaw


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