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2010 | 18 | 3 | 15-24

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The characteristics of the relationship between patients and therapists in relaxing massage as complementary treatment - the author's own experience



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Basing on her own physiotherapeutic experience the author analyses the ontological, methodological as well as humanistic and behavioural aspects of relaxing massage as complementary treatment in the patient-therapist relationship.
Opierając się na własnym doświadczeniu fizjoterapeutycznym, autorka analizuje ontologiczne, metodologiczne i humanistyczno-behawioralne aspekty masażu relaksacyjnego o charakterze oddziaływania komplementarnego w odniesieniu do relacji pacjent-terapeuta.










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1 - 7 - 2010
6 - 12 - 2010


  • The Chair of Physical Culture of the Disabled, The Unit of Biological Renewal, The University of Physical Education in Wroclaw


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