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2012 | 4 | 112-116

Article title

Generation changes over the period of 1986-2006 in the physical
fitness of boys aged 7-19 from eastern Poland at particular stages
of education


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Study aim: To assess the size of secular trends in the physical fitness of boys from eastern Poland taking into consideration
stages of education.Material and methods: The physical fitness results of boys aged 7-19 years living in eastern regions of Poland were
analyzed: 3188 students were examined in 1986 while in 2006 the research included 10 810 boys. In both examinations
(1986 and 2006), the level of motor abilities was measured according to the guidelines of the International Physical
Fitness Test. The individual results of children and youth examined in 2006, which took into account calendar age,
were converted into points on a T scale, with means and standard deviations from 1986 accepted as norms. On the
basis of the obtained point values and taking into account stages of education (7-9 – integrated teaching, 10-12 – primary
school, 13-15 – lower-secondary school, 16-18 – upper-secondary school), arithmetic means and dispersion values
concerning motor abilities in the groups were calculated. Individual results in motor abilities of every subject were
used to define quantitative generation changes. Differences between the means obtained in 1986 and 2006, as well
as between the fractions of boys qualified for respective fitness category in both examinations, were assessed.Results: Over the 2-decade period the boys from eastern Poland slightly improved their results only as far as sit-ups
are concerned (1.47 points), while the level of bent arm hang, handgrip, 50 m run, and shuttle run 4×10 m remained
the same. In contrast, negative changes were observed in the long run (4.44 points), the sit-and-reach test (4.47 points),
and the standing broad jump (3.74 points). The greatest decline in motor abilities was noted amongst schoolchildren
from integrated education classes (2.69 points); whereas the smallest decline was noted in adolescents from lower
secondary schools (0.60 points).Conclusions: The changes noted in physical fitness indicate that in the context of health the revision of the Act on
Physical Culture from 2002, which reduced the number of school’s physical education classes, is a debatable issue.







Physical description


07 - 9 - 2012
28 - 11 - 2012
28 - 12 - 2012


  • The Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala
    Podlaska, Poland
  • The Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala
    Podlaska, Poland
  • The Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala
    Podlaska, Poland


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