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2012 | 4 | 82-87

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Seasonal variation of American Indian children’s school-day physical activity


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Study aim: To examine the pedometer steps taken during the school-day by American Indian children during all four
seasons.Material and methods: Participants included third-sixth grade children (n = 157) aged 9.6±1.07 (boys) and 9.7±1.2 (girls)
attending school from one Southwestern US American Indian community. Children had a mean BMI of 23.9±7.7 with
70% being classified as overweight or obese. Children wore a pedometer (Yamax Digiwalker SW-200) for 20 days (5
days per season).Results: Children accumulated 4762±1544 (boys) and 4408±1194 (girls) steps/day across the four seasons with the
highest totals occurring during the Fall (4899, males; 4796, females) and the lowest totals during the Winter (4463,
males; 4043, females). Repeated measures ANOVA showed no significant differences in daily school-day steps across
seasons. Children classified as normal weight averaged 5146±1688 steps/day, overweight children averaged 5020±1333
steps/day, and obese children accumulated 4275±1123 steps/day.Conclusions: PA stayed relatively consistent across seasons in this sample of children. However, children were the least active during Winter months. With 70% of the current sample being classified as overweight and with American Indian
children at greater risk for numerous hypokinetic diseases there is a clear need for additional school-day PA opportunities.







Physical description


1 - 1 - 2012
26 - 10 - 2012


  • University of Utah
  • Arizona State University
  • Montclair State University
  • George Mason University, USA


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