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2010 | 25 | 101-108

Article title

Asymmetry of Step Length in Relationship to Leg Strength in 200 meters Sprint of different Performance Levels


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The purpose of this study was to quantify and compare asymmetry of stride length during 200 m sprint in different levels of performance. Six sprinters from national and regional levels participated in the study. They were assigned to 3 groups: school-boys (novice sprinters) junior (intermediate) and senior (advance - national and regional level) category. This study investigated selected kinematic parameters with special focus on stride length. The resulting values were measurements of each stride length (rounded-off to nearest full centimeter) during a 200 m sprint, using a manual stride measurement method. The findings indicate that the asymmetry of stride length exists in all categories, and the impact on decreasing velocities of the youngest sprinters (school-boys) are significantly associated with shorter strides, whereas cadence has little change. However, when a statistical adjustment was made for each group of runners it was found that more advanced runners did not have a significantly higher level of asymmetry with stride length at any given velocity.







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30 - 9 - 2010
9 - 10 - 2010


  • Department of Track and Field, University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Poland
  • Department of Track and Field, University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Poland
  • Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia


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