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2009 | 81 | 2 | 113-117

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Bowel Lengthening by Serial Transverse Enteroplasty (STEP) in the Short Bowel Syndrome. Primary Experience


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New technique of bowel lengthening- Serial Transverse Enteroplasty (STEP) in a case of patient with short bowel syndrome with great fluid losses accompanied with electrolyte disorders is presented. The patient was parenteral nutrition-dependent. After surgery total bowel length almost doubled and electrolyte disorders ceased. Intra-venous supply was reduced by half. This procedure in our opinion is easier than other techniques of bowel lengthening, but still very effective and may be a surgical option of choice in patients with short bowel syndrome. According to our knowledge it has been the first such procedure performed in Poland.









1 - 2 - 2009
20 - 3 - 2009


  • Department of Surgery and Urology for Children and Adolescents, Medical University of Gdańsk
  • Department of Peadiatrics, Gastroenterology, Hepathology and Nutrition, University of Gdańsk
  • Department of Surgery and Urology for Children and Adolescents, Medical University of Gdańsk


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