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2012 | 7 | 6 | 713-715

Article title

Laparoscopically assisted resection of jejunal diverticula. A case report and review of the literature


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We present the first documented case of laparoscopically assisted resection of a jejunal diverticulum. A 53 year old gentleman presented with right sided abdominal pain along with raised inflammatory markers. Computed tomography revealed multiple diverticula in the proximal jejunum, one of which was inflamed. The patient was managed conservatively, and subsequently underwent an elective laparoscopically assisted resection of a jejunal diverticulum with no complications.











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1 - 12 - 2012
11 - 10 - 2012


  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South London Healthcare Trust, CT9 4A, Woolwich, UK
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South London Healthcare Trust, CT9 4A, Woolwich, UK
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South London Healthcare Trust, CT9 4A, Woolwich, UK
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South London Healthcare Trust, CT9 4A, Woolwich, UK
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South London Healthcare Trust, CT9 4A, Woolwich, UK
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South London Healthcare Trust, CT9 4A, Woolwich, UK
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, South London Healthcare Trust, CT9 4A, Woolwich, UK


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