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2012 | 7 | 5 | 624-627

Article title

Major salivary gland tumors in children - diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties


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Major salivary gland tumors are very rare in the developmental period. Confirming tumor changes of the salivary gland requires precise diagnostic imaging involving an ultrasonography scan, computed tomography and magnetic resonance. A needle aspiration biopsy (NAB) of a tumor is of high importance. Excision of the tumor is the main treatment method in the case of parotid gland tumors. Statistical data concerning tumors suggest choosing less invasive methods, which seems very logical in children. The operational methods used in the tumor treatment are: extracapsular excision of a tumor, partial parotidectomy, total parotidectomy, sometimes proceeded with lymphatic nodes operations. Extracapsular excision of a tumor is a noninvasive method chosen because of simplicity and lesser risk of serious complications. This method is reserved only for the cases of benign tumors of the gland. Most authors, however, consider a partial parotidectomy as a method of choice in benign tumor cases and a total parotidectomy in cases of carcinomas of the parotid gland. Submandibular gland tumors need total gland excision. The clinical cases presented in this paper show the difficulties in diagnosis and treatment choices in cases of major salivary gland tumors in children.











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1 - 10 - 2012
28 - 7 - 2012


  • Department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Lodz, ul. Sporna 36/50, 91-738, Lodz, Poland
  • Department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Lodz, ul. Sporna 36/50, 91-738, Lodz, Poland


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