The aim of the research was to evaluate the results of NDT-Bobath method in gait re-education of adult patients after ischemic stroke using normalized parameters of gait. The investigation group consisted of 60 patients, all sufferers of an ischemic stroke, and participated in a rehabilitation program: 10 sessions of NDT-Bobath therapy through 2 weeks (ten days of the therapy). Normalized parameters of gait were calculated based on anthropometric measures of patients and their gait parameters (gait velocity, cadence and stride length) measured in every patient on admission (before the therapy) and after the last session of the therapy to assess rehabilitation effects. Results among patients involved in the research were as follows:
in normalized gait velocity: recovery in 42 cases (70 %), relapse in 10 cases (16,67 %), no measurable changes in 8 cases (13.33 %)in normalized cadence: recovery in 39 cases (65 %), relapse in 16 cases (26.67 %), no measurable changes in 5 cases (8.33 %)in normalized stride length: recovery in 50 cases (83.33 %), relapse in 4 cases (6.67 %), no measurable changes in 6 cases (10 %). Observed statistically significant and favourable changes in health status of patients, described by normalized gait parameters, confirm effectiveness of the NDT-Bobath method.