The study is a retrospective analysis of data obtained from a cardiovascular disease prevention program financed by the National Health Fund (Poland). The aim of the study was to evaluate the population to demonstrate the prevalence of favourable and unfavourable lipid parameters and blood pressure values depending on age and BMI. A total of 2,616 subjects were included in the study (811 men and 1805 women aged between 35 and 55 years of age) who perceived themselves as completely healthy individuals and in whom no cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus had been diagnosed. We evaluated blood pressure values, body weight, height, BMI, fasting glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL in the serum of venous blood. The above-mentioned parameters were compared in women and men depending on BMI and age. It was demonstrated that the epidemiological situation of women in the analysed age group, regardless of the studied parameter and method of its evaluation, is much more favourable than that of men. We have demonstrated that evaluation of the analysed lipid parameters and blood pressure should be performed with consideration to gender and age. Otherwise conclusions may be obtained which are not satisfied by 75-95% of the population in a given age group. Obesity was highlighted as a factor triggering further lipid disturbances and blood pressure increase.