The aim of this study was to analyse perinatal complications in woman with increased BMI at pregnancy term. Study included 23190 women who gave singleton birth during a 10-year period in our institution. Maternal databases were reviewed for pregnancy, labor and delivery complications and early maternal postpartum morbidity. Women with increased BMI at pregnancy term had a significantly higer incidence of postterm pregnancy, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension and third trimester hemorrhage, compared to normal weight women (p 0.000). Women with increased BMI had significantly more labor induction with prostaglandins (p 0.001 and 0.000) and elective caesarean (p 0.025 and 0.000). Also, overweight and obese women had higher incidence of operative delivery: caesarean section (p 0.000) and vacuum extraction (p 0.000). The incidences of postpartum febrility (p 0.057, 0.000, 0.002) and trombophlebits (p 0.013) were also significantly higher. We can conclude that prepregnancy normal weight women with increased BMI during pregnancy need special follow-up and counseling in pregnancy and delivery.