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2012 | 10 | 1 | 40-46

Article title

Massive scalar field quasinormal modes of a black hole in the deformed Hořava-Lifshitz gravity


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We calculated the quasinormalmodes ofmassive scalar field of a black hole in the deformed Hořava-Lifshitz gravity with coupling constant λ = 1, using the third-order WKB approximation. Our results show that when the scalar field mass increases, the oscillation frequency increases while the damping decreases. And we find that the imaginary parts are almost linearly related to the real parts, the behaviors are very similar to that in the Reissner-Nordström black hole spacetime. These information will help us understand more about the Hořava-Lifshitz gravity.










Physical description


1 - 2 - 2012
3 - 12 - 2011


  • Department of Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics, Bohai University, Jinzhou, 121013, P. R. China
  • Department of Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics, Bohai University, Jinzhou, 121013, P. R. China


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