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2011 | 9 | 1 | 123-130

Article title

Accuracy of Cotton-Mouton polarimetry in sheared toroidal plasma of circular cross-section


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The Cotton-Mouton effect in sheared plasma with helical magnetic lines is studied on the basis of the equation for complex amplitude ratio (CAR). A simple model for helical magnetic lines in sheared plasma of toroidal configuration is suggested. The equation for CAR in the sheared plasma is solved by perturbation method, using the small shear angle deviations as is characteristic for tokamak plasma. It is shown that the inaccuracy in polarization measurements caused by deviations of the sheared angle amounts to some percentage of the shearless Cotton-Mouton phase shift. One suggested method is to subtract the “sheared” term, which may improve the accuracy of the Cotton-Mouton measurements in the sheared plasma.










Physical description


1 - 2 - 2011
24 - 9 - 2010


  • Institute of Physics, Maritime University of Szczecin, 1-2 Waly Chrobrego St., Szczecin, 70500, Poland


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