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2010 | 8 | 4 | 667-671

Article title

New mechanism of solution of the k
T-problem in magnetobiology


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The effects of ultralow-frequency or static magnetic and electric fields on biological processes is of huge interest for researchers due to the resonant change of the intensity of biochemical reactions, despite the energy in such fields being small in comparison with the characteristic energy k
T of the chemical reactions. In the present work, a simplified model to study the effects of weak static magnetic fields on fluctuations of the random ionic currents in blood is presented with a view to solving the k
T problem in magnetobiology. An analytic expression for the kinetic energy of the molecules dissolved in certain liquid media is obtained. The values of the magnetic field leading to resonant effects in capillaries are then estimated. The numerical estimates show that the resonant values of the energy of molecules in capillaries and the aorta are different. These estimates prove that under identical conditions, a molecule in the aorta gets 10−9 times less energy than the molecules in blood capillaries. Therefore, the capillaries are very sensitive to the resonant effect. As the magnetic field approaches the resonant value, the average energy of a molecule localized in a capillary is increased by several orders of magnitude as compared to its thermal energy. This amount of energy is sufficient to cause deterioration of certain chemical bonds.










Physical description


1 - 8 - 2010
22 - 5 - 2010


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