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2010 | 8 | 3 | 559-565

Article title

Kinetic spectrophotometric determination of hydrazine


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A kinetic spectrophotometric method for hydrazine determination in the range of 9.36×10−7 to 4.37×10−5 mol dm−3, based on the inhibitory effect of hydrazine on the oxidation of Victoria Blue 4- R by KBrO3, was developed and validated. Kinetic parameters are reported for both the indicating and the inhibiting reaction. The detection limit was established as 9.98×10−8 mol dm−3. The selectivity of the proposed method was tested considering the influence of different ions that may be present in real samples. The method was successfully applied for hydrazine determination in various samples (very pure water from the water-steam system of a power plant and Isoniazid tablets, a pharmaceutical product). [...] The novel kinetic spectrophotometric method proposed was found to have satisfactory analytical characteristics as well as being widely applicable due to its simplicity and speed.










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1 - 6 - 2010
25 - 4 - 2010


  • Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, University of Nis, 18 000, Nis, Serbia
  • Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, 11 000, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, University of Nis, 18 000, Nis, Serbia


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