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2008 | 6 | 2 | 237-244

Article title

Kinetics and mechanism of the C-S coupling reactions of aryl Grignard reagents with aryl arenesulfonates


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The kinetics of the C-S coupling of arylmagnesium bromides with phenyl tosylate has been studied in THF: toluene at 90°C. The reaction is first order in Grignard reagent and first order in phenyl tosylate. Kinetic data, Hammett relationship and activation parameters are consistent with a nucleophilic addition mechanism involving rate determining attack of carbanion to sulfonyl group followed by a fast phenoxide group leaving. [...]










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1 - 6 - 2008
17 - 4 - 2008


  • Ankara University, Science Faculty, Beşevler, Ankara, 06100, Turkey
  • Ankara University, Science Faculty, Beşevler, Ankara, 06100, Turkey


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