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2014 | 28 | 2 | 33-40

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The Importance of Persons Accompanying Children with Moderate Intellectual Disability in the Teraphy of Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement


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Introduction: Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement Method is of the most frequently used forms of therapy for improving children with various mental and motor dysfunctions. Sherborne understands movement as not just a physical activity, but the transfer of deep respect for man, faith in man's ability to develop and improve, the joy of close contact.The research objective was to verify the importance of persons taking an active part in the therapy of Veronica Sherborne Developmental Movement with children with moderate intellectual disability on cognitive, emotional, social and motor development.Material and methods: The research was conducted by the workers of special education centers. It involved 39 persons aged 7-8 years. The experimental group was composed of 39 persons as that was the number of patients remaining in disposal of the deliberately selected special education centers. The activities were conducted for 9 months.Results: The results showed that the persons who accompanied the children in therapy had a positive influence on their development but in a differentiated manner. The evaluation made with the use of the Behavior Observation Scale showed that the greatest progress in the cognitive, social and motor development was made by those children who were accompanied in therapy by the workers of special education centers, and then pupils and volunteers. It was also demonstrated that people who were actively involved in therapy, favorably influenced the results of the Evaluation Procedure. The smallest improvement was observed when a pupil was a supporting partner.Conclusions: Persons taking an active part in therapy significantly influenced its results among children with moderate intellectual disability. The greatest progress was noted when the worker of the special education center and a volunteer were the pair partners.









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28 - 10 - 2014


  • The Institute of Physical Culture, State Higher Vocational School in Racibórz
  • Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Warmia & Mazury in Olsztyn
  • The Institute of Physical Culture, State Higher Vocational School in Racibórz


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