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Fun and Games as a Form of Physical Culture in the Traditional Religious and Social Rituals of the Lemkos. the Ethnomethodological Approach


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This article presents the Lemkos games and fun as popular forms of physical culture of the Lemko community living in former areas of south-eastern Poland. It presents them as part of the intangible culture of the vanishing ethnic group. The traditional elements of physical culture of the Lemko community, especially fun and games have been presented on the basis of the general characteristics of this ethnic group, and the entire history of the presence of the Lemkos in Poland. Folk fun and games, as a form of physical activity are presented in the broad sense of physical and cultural system and the Lemko community located within the cultural system. The need for such a study is due to the fact that there are no other ethnological or cultural anthropology studies on physical culture of this ethnic group.









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1 - 03 - 2013
10 - 07 - 2013


  • Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Department of Pedagogics, 2 Akademicka Street, 21-500 Biała Podlaska, tel.: + 48 83 3428776, fax: +48 83 3428800
  • The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Department of Pedagogics


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