A field experiment was conducted univariate in 2008-2010 in the Variety Assessment Station in Szczecin - Dąbie. The soil on which the experience was based is made of light loamy sand (pgl). In terms of granulometric composition it includes it into the category of light soils, agricultural suitability complex IV b, good (5). The experiment included, inter alia, waste compost produced with municipal sewage sludge produced by *GWDA and ash from brown coal (waste grate). No normal ranges for heavy metals being specified in the ministerial regulations were used for environmental purposes, which are maximum 20, 500, 750, 300, 1000 and 16 mg per 1 kg dry matter for cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel, copper and mercury, respectively16 were exceeded in the sewage sludge being used to produce the compost. The field experiment design consisted of 6 fertilisation objects. A test plant was Virginia fanpetals (Sida hermaphodrita Rusby). The content of available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in the soil, being fertilised with municipal SSC with and without an addition of high-calcium BCA, changed after three years. There was an increase in the content of available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium forms, on average by 8.5%, 16.0% and 9.0%, respectively. When analysing the chemical properties of soil before and after this study, it may be stated that respective systems of municipal sewage sludge compost and high-calcium brown coal ash application differently affected most soil richness indices. The best fertilisation effects were obtained in the system with municipal sewage sludge compost being applied at a dose corresponding to 250 kg N ∙ ha-1 as well as with high-calcium brown coal ash at a dose corresponding to 1.5 Mg CaO ∙ ha-1 being introduced into soil in the first year of study and at a dose corresponding to 0.75 Mg CaO ∙ ha-1 in successive years. Fertilisation with municipal sewage sludge compost without and with addition of high-calcium brown coal ash favourably affected the preservation of soil environment stability and improvement of soil chemical composition