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2012 | 1 | 41-54

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MIP-based immunoassays: State of the Art, limitations and


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Immunoassay is one of the most popular analytical methods with
widespread applications. However, it presents several drawbacks because
of the proteic nature of the antibodies. Molecular imprinting technology
has shown a growing ability to prepare artificial molecular recognition
systems, with binding properties very similar to those of natural antibodies.
This review deals with the application of molecular imprinting technology
to immunoassay, with an attention for the state of the art, the current
limitations and the possible solutions to these issues.







Physical description


09 - 04 - 2013
12 - 06 - 2013
13 - 08 - 2013


  • Cardiff School of Pharmacy
    and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
    Cardiff University, King Edward VII Avenue,
    Cardiff, CF10 3NB, United Kingdom
  • Cardiff School of Pharmacy
    and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
    Cardiff University, King Edward VII Avenue,
    Cardiff, CF10 3NB, United Kingdom
  • Cardiff School of Pharmacy
    and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
    Cardiff University, King Edward VII Avenue,
    Cardiff, CF10 3NB, United Kingdom


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