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Hybrid Materials – Past, Present and Future.


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Hybrid materials represent one of the most growing new material classes at the edge of technological innovations. Unique possibilities to create novel material properties by synergetic combination of inorganic and organic components on the molecular scale makes this materials class interesting for application-oriented research of chemists, physicists, and materials scientists. The modular approach for combination of properties by the selection of the best suited components opens new options for the generation of materials that are able to solve many technological problems. This review will show in selected examples how science and technological driven approaches can help to design better materials for future applications.







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1 - 1 - 2014
9 - 4 - 2014


  • Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Campus D2 2, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany and Saarland University and Inorganic Solid State Chemistry, Am Markt Zeile 3, 66125 Saarbrücken, Germany


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