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2014 | 43 | 1 | 87-95

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Influence of Resistance Training on Blood Pressure in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Menopause


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This study investigated the chronic and acute influence of resistance exercise on blood pressure in women with metabolic syndrome before and after climacteric. Twenty sedentary women, nine non-menopausal (RNM) and 11 menopausal (RM), performed training for 12 weeks. Meanwhile, 23 controls, 11 not menopausal (CNM) and 12 menopausal (CM), remained sedentary. Blood pressure was measured before and after the training period in conditions of rest and after a session of exercise. Training promoted variations in blood pressure at rest from 116±13 to 118±10 mmHg (p=0.73) and from 128±12 mmHg to 120±11mmHg (p=0.12) in RNM and RM, respectively. CNM and CM varied from 115±11 to 116±12 mmHg (p=0.9) and from 115±14 mmHg to 116±13 mmHg (p=0.74). Blood pressure values in one acute session did not differ between groups (p>0.05). Resistance training did not improve blood pressure in women with metabolic syndrome, regardless of climacteric.









Physical description


1 - 12 - 2014
11 - 12 - 2014


  • Regional University Cariri-URCA, Descentralized Unit Iguatu, Department of Physical Education
  • Federal University of Paraiba, Department of Physical Education, Graduate Associate Program in Physical Education University of Pernambuco/Federal University of Paraiba, Laboratory Study of Physical Training Applied to Performance and Health
  • Physical Education University of Pernambuco/Federal University of Paraiba; Laboratory Study of Physical Training Applied to Performance and Health Federal University of Paraiba, Center of Health Sciences - Campus I, Cidade Universitária, 58059-900 - Joao Pessoa, PB - Brazil; Phone / Fax: +5583-88754675 / +5583-32167030;
  • Federal University of Paraiba, Department of Physical Education, Graduate Associate Program in Physical Education University of Pernambuco/Federal University of Paraiba, Laboratory Study of Physical Training Applied to Performance and Health.
  • Federal University of Piaui.
  • University Mauricio de Nassau, Department of Physical Education.
  • University Mauricio de Nassau, Department of Physical Education.
  • Departament of Sport, Trás-os-Montes de Alto Douro University, Vila Real, Portugal.


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