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2014 | 35 | 2 | 173-180

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Numerical Calculations of WR-40 Boiler Based on its Zero-Dimensional Model


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Generally, the temperature of flue gases at the furnace outlet is not measured. Therefore, a special computation procedure is needed to determine it. This paper presents a method for coordination of the numerical model of a pulverised fuel boiler furnace chamber with the measuring data in a situation when CFD calculations are made in regard to the furnace only. This paper recommends the use of the classical 0-dimensional balance model of a boiler, based on the use of measuring data. The average temperature of flue gases at the furnace outlet tk" obtained using the model may be considered as highly reliable. The numerical model has to show the same value of tk" . This paper presents calculations for WR-40 boiler. The CFD model was matched to the 0-dimensional tk" value by means of a selection of the furnace wall emissivity. As a result of CFD modelling, the flue gas temperature and the concentration of CO, CO2, O2 and NOx were obtained at the furnace chamber outlet. The results of numerical modelling of boiler combustion based on volumetric reactions and using the Finite-Rate/Eddy-Dissipation Model are presented.










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1 - 6 - 2014
10 - 7 - 2014
22 - 2 - 2013
28 - 11 - 2013
7 - 1 - 2014


  • Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery, ul. Konarskiego 18, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland


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