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2015 | 13 | 1 |

Article title

Composite structure of vortices in two-component
Bose-Einstein condensate


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In contrast to one-component Bose-Einstein condensate
case, the vortices in two-component condensate
can have various complicated structures. The vortices in a
space-homogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate have been
studied in this paper. It is shown that the vortex structure
is described by three dimensionless parameters. This is totally
different from the usual one-component condensate
case,where an isolated vortex is described by a parameterless
dimensionless equation. The two-component vortex
structure strongly depends on the sign of “interaction”
constant of the components. A few types of vortices with
different qualitative structure are explored. We show that
the “super-density vortices” can exist, when the “interaction”
constant is positive. The “super-density vortices”
have the near-axis density greater than the equilibrium
density of a homogeneous space Bose-Einstein condensate.
We also show that the vortices with opposite direction
of the condensate component rotation near the axis
and far off the axis can exist.








Physical description


11 - 9 - 2015
21 - 3 - 2015
26 - 10 - 2015


  • A.I. Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics,
    NSC “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology” 1, Akademichna
    Str., Kharkiv UA-61108, Ukraine
  • Technology” 1, Akademichna Str., Kharkiv UA-61108, Ukraine
  • A.I. Akhiezer Institute for Theoretical Physics,
    NSC “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology” 1, Akademichna
    Str., Kharkiv UA-61108, Ukraine


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