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Alginate/porous silica matrices for the
encapsulation of living organisms: tunable
properties for biosensors, modular bioreactors,
and bioremediation devices


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The encapsulation of living cells within inorganic
silica hydrogels is a promising strategy for the design
of biosensors, modular bioreactors, and bioremediation
devices, among other interesting applications, attracting
scientific and technological interest. These hostguest
multifunctional materials (HGFM) combine synergistically
specific biologic functions of their guest with
those of the host matrix enhancing their performance.
Although inorganic immobilization hosts present several
advantages over their (bio)polymer-based counterparts in
terms of chemical and physical stability, the direct contact
of cells with silica precursors during synthesis and
the constraints imposed by the inorganic host during operating
conditions have proved to influence their biological
response. Recently, we proposed an alternative two-step
procedure including a pre-encapsulation in biocompatible
polymers such as alginates in order to confer protection
to the biological guest during the inorganic and more cytotoxic
synthesis. By means of this procedure, whole cultures
of microorganisms remain confined in small liquid
volumes generated inside the inorganic host, providing
near conventional liquid culture conditions.Moreover, the
fact of protecting the biological guest during the synthesis
of the host, allows extending the synthesis parameters
beyond biocompatible conditions, tuning the microstructure
of the matrix. In turn, the microstructure (porosity at
the nanoscale, radius of gyration of particles composing
the structure, and fractal dimension of particle clusters)
is determinant of macroscopic parameters, such as optical
quality and transport properties that govern the encapsulation
material’s performance. Here, we review the most
interesting applications of the two-step procedure, making
special emphasis on the optimization of optical, transport
and mechanical properties of the host as well as in the interaction
with the guest during operation conditions.







Physical description


22 - 7 - 2015
28 - 8 - 2015
5 - 6 - 2015


    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos
    Aires. Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos
    Aires. Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos
    Aires. Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos
    Aires. Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. II, C1428EHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina


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