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2014 | 10 | 1 |

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TVT-Exact and midurethral sling (SLING-IUFT)
operative procedures: a randomized study


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Objectives: The aim of the study is to compare
results, effectiveness and complications of TVT exact and
midurethral sling (SLING-IUFT) operations in the treatment
of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Methods: A single center nonblind, randomized study of
women with SUI who were randomized to TVT-Exact and
SLING-IUFT was performed by one surgeon from April
2009 to April 2011. SUI was diagnosed on coughing and
Valsalva test and urodynamics (cystometry and uroflowmetry)
were assessed before operation and 1 year after
surgery. This was a prospective randomized study. The
follow up period was 12 months. 76 patients were operated
using the TVT-Exact operation and 78 patients – using the
SLING-IUFT operation. There was no statistically significant
differences between groups for BMI, parity, menopausal
status and prolapsed stage (no patients had cystocele
greater than stage II). Results: Mean operative time was significantly shorter in
the SLING-IUFT group (19 ± 5.6 min.) compared with the
TVT-Exact group (27 ± 7.1 min.). There were statistically
significant differences in the effectiveness of both procedures:
TVT-Exact – at 94.5% and SLING-IUFT – at 61.2%
after one year. Hospital stay was statistically significantly
shorter in the SLING-IUFT group (1. 2 ± 0.5 days) compared
with the TVT-Exact group (3.5 ± 1.5 days). Statistically significantly
fewer complications occurred in the SLINGIUFT
group. Conclusion: the TVT-Exact and SLING-IUFT operations
are both effective for surgical treatment of female stress
urinary incontinence. The SLING-IUFT involved a shorter
operation time and lower complications rate., the TVTExact
procedure had statistically significantly more complications
than the SLING-IUFT operation, but a higher








Physical description


10 - 6 - 2015
18 - 3 - 2015
4 - 5 - 2015


  • Lithuanian University of
    Health Sciences, Mickeviciaus str.9, Kaunas, LT-44307, Lithuania
  • Clinic of Urology, Lithuanian
    University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
  • Clinic of Urology, Lithuanian
    University of Health Sciences, Lithuania


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