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Development of Smart Nanocontainers With A Zinc
Phosphate Core and A pH-Responsive Shell for
Controlled Release of Immidazole


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A simple and flexible method has been
developed to fabricate reversibly switchable
nanocontainers (by layer by layer assembly) using
zinc phosphate (ZP) nanoparticles as a core material
and subsequent deposition of oppositely charged
species of polyelectrolyte (polyaniline and polyacrylic
acid) and organic corrosion inhibitor (immidazole).
Immidazole was entrapped between polyaniline (PANI)
and polyacrylic acid (PAA). The PAA nanovalve can
control the access of immidazole molecules to and
from the nanocontainers. The average particle size of
the synthesized nanocontainer was found to be in the
range of 250–500 nm. X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle
size analysis (PSA), zeta potential, and fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis confirms the
successful formation of the layered structure of
nanocontainers. UV-vis spectroscopy was used to analyze
the release rate of immidazole in media of different pH
as a function of time. This core-shell nanostructure can
have potential applications in corrosion inhibition paint







Physical description


23 - 7 - 2014
30 - 10 - 2014
4 - 1 - 2015


  • Chemical Engineering
    Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Ind
  • Chemical Engineering
    Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Ind
  • Chemical Engineering
    Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Ind
  • FSP Division, Cummins Inc. Columbus,
    Indiana, USA
  • Chemical Engineering Department,
    Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India
  • Chemical Engineering Department, National
    Institute of Technology, Warangal, India
  • Chemical Engineering
    Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Ind


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