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vol. 52
issue 4
In this study the contribution of the ERK1/2 pathway to sphingosine-induced death and morphological changes of the actin cytoskeleton in glioma C6 cells was investigated. Surprisingly, the level of ERK1/2 phosphorylation does not change after incubation of cells with sphingosine. Despite this, sphingosine induces rounding and detachment of cells without formation of apoptotic bodies. To shed light on this process, a specific inhibitor of ERK1/2 phosphorylation, U0126, was used. Cells incubated simultaneously with sphingosine and U0126 not only detached, but also exhibited formation of apoptotic-like blebs. These data suggest that during sphingosine-induced glioma C6 cell death apoptotic blebbing is dependent on ERK1/2 signalling and occurs only when ERK1/2 activity is decreased or abolished.
In contrast to mRNAs, ribosomal RNAs are generally not considered to be polyadenylated. Only a few recent reports describe non-abundant polyadenylated rRNA-related transcripts that have been detected and characterized in yeast and in human cells. Here we depict the phenomenon of 26S rRNA polyadenylation and degradation that was observed in shoots of Nicotiana tabaccum plants grown in the presence of cadmium. Fragments corresponding to 26S rRNA were identified using suppression subtractive hybridization during screening for genes induced in tobacco plants upon a three-week exposure to 15 µM cadmium chloride. Extracts prepared from the above-ground tissues of cadmium-treated tobacco plants were supposed to contain exclusively polyadenylated mRNAs. Surprisingly, numerous polyadenylated fragments matching parts of 26S rRNA were identified and their presence was confirmed by Northern blot and cDNA amplification techniques. To our knowledge this is the first report on rRNA polyadenylation in plants.
vol. 67
issue 2
Zanieczyszczenia gleby metalami ciężkimi mają toksyczne działanie na rośliny, zwierzęta oraz człowieka. Metalofity, rośliny odporne na metale ciężkie, kolonizujące tereny metalonośne, są wykorzystywane do fitoremediacji, czyli oczyszczania gleb z metali ciężkich. Wykorzystanie roślinnych kultur komórkowych do badań nad toksycznością metali i tolerancją komórek na ich działanie jest stosunkowo nową techniką. W pracy zostały przedstawione możliwości wykorzystania roślinnych kultur zawiesinowych w badaniach nad wpływem metali ciężkich na metabolizm komórek oraz metody oszacowania ich toksycznego wpływu. Zaprezentowane zostały techniki otrzymywania kultur zawiesinowych, oceny żywotności komórek, akumulacji metali ciężkich w komórkach. W ocenie toksyczności metali stosuje się także badania nad programowaną śmiercią komórki (PCD), co pozwala oszacować reakcję komórek na ich wysokie stężenia. Zostały przedyskutowane mechanizmy tolerancji komórek na metale ciężkie. Kultury zawiesinowe są dobrym modelem do badań tolerancji na metale, ponieważ pozwalają zbadać ich wpływ na pojedyncze komórki w jednolitych, stałych warunkach.
Soil pollutants exert toxic effects on plants, animals and humans. Metallophytes, plants tolerant to heavy metals colonizing polluted areas, are being used to phytoremediation - cleaning up soil contaminated with heavy metals. The use of plant cells in vitro cultures to study heavy metal toxicity and tolerance is a relatively new approach in research of metal toxicity. In this paper the usefulness of plant suspension cultures to study the impact of heavy metals on cells is presented alongside with the methods of obtaining suspension cultures, evaluation of cell viability, metal accumulation and detection of programmed cell death (PCD). The mechanisms by which cells of plant species tolerant to heavy metals develop resistance to metal toxicity are discussed. Cell suspension cultures appear to be a good model to study tolerance to heavy metals because they allow to estimate metal impact to a single cell in stable uniform conditions.
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