Caregivers of persons suffering from dementia constitute a group displaying a great need for mental health support, while at the same time being largely neglected in terms of receiving this support. In this context, the aim of this article is to propose the Stepped Care 2.0 (S.C. 2.0) model as a mental health care systemic solution for carers of persons with dementia. In this article, we focus on presenting the argumentation that proves the need and validity of introducing the proposed mental health care model for carers of persons with dementia. For this purpose, we draw on the results of our own pilot study, as well as a review of the subject literature. As the literature review indicates, caring for individuals with dementia is a source of multidimensional burden and deterioration in well-being. Results obtained in our own study indicate that there exists a burden of care among carers of persons with dementia in Poland and their well-being is significantly lower compared to non-carers. Moreover, the results suggest that the degree of negative consequences of being a caregiver varies depending of the degree of the patient’s disability. The flexibility of support and client-centric approach assumed in the S.C. 2.0 model can provide a good response to the diverse and changing needs of the carers of persons with dementia. It can also serve as a kind of hub encompassing and organising existing forms of support for carers. Moreover, the effectiveness of the selected types of support included in this model is confirmed by existing research findings. The need for mental health support for carers of individuals with dementia is undeniable. In the light of the arguments provided, the S.C. 2.0 model is a suitable solution for the systemic organisation of such support.
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